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24 July 2024
The research behind the oral language assessment app: LanguageScreen
Discover why LanguageScreen is an accurate and scientifically proven digital assessment to assess oral language skills of primary school students. Read about the latest research paper on LanguageScreen.

11 July 2024
Why NAIDOC Week is an important reflection point for Australian educators
Read about how Australian educators can celebrate NAIDOC Week with their students. Discover activities and resources to help young learners gain a deeper understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ culture and achievements.
The importance of economics for Australia's future
With keynote from Australia’s Treasurer Hon Dr. Jim ChalmersIn September 2024, teachers and students of economics in New South Wales joined Pearson and esteemed guests to celebrate the 25th year of publication of Australia's best-selling Economics textbook - Pearson Economics.
An incredible opportunity to hear from Australia's Treasurer Hon Dr. Jim Chalmers, this engaging session aimed to inspire students to consider the importance of economics for Australia's future as well as deepening their understanding of the latest developments in Australia and the global economy.
Watch the event recordingON-DEMAND WEBINAR
Championing oral language in your school
Using the Science of Learning research to support early oral language developmentJoin the expert panellists to uncover the facts about the impact early oral language difficulties can have on a student’s future. By the end of the webinar, you will understand how your school can positively impact learning by firstly identifying and then addressing early oral language difficulties with greater accuracy and efficiency using the Science of Learning research.
Watch the webinar recordingBounce Back !
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