Critical Reading Reading, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (April 15, 2015) © 2015


ISBN-13: 9782761356541
Critical Reading Reading
Published 2015
Critical Reading provides a systematic introduction to the process of analysing and evaluating a written text. Students develop critical reading skills through analysis of texts from authentic sources (journals, newspapers, magazines, and websites) and a variety of academic disciplines. They are encouraged to develop their comprehension and vocabulary skills, while forming a reasoned assessment of the effectiveness and validity of a text.
Chapter 1: Myth or Reality
Subject Area: Life Sciences
FOCUS: Introduction ot Critical Reading

Chapter 2: What is the Best Way to Eat?
Subject Area: Nutritional Sciences
FOCUS: Academic or Not?

Chapter 3: The Values of Sports
Subject Area: Sports Studies
FOCUS: Author Credentials and Bias

Chapter 4: Approaches to the Global Energy Crisis
Subject Area: Environmental Studies
FOCUS: Stance, Audience and Purpose

Chapter 5: Leaders and Leadership
Subject Areas: Business Studies, Leadership and Management
FOCUS: Fact or Opinion?

Chapter 6: Technology in Education
Subject Areas: Education, Computer Studies
FOCUS: Interpreting Evidence 1: Casual Observation and Empirical Research

Chapter 7: Design and Productivity
Subject Area: Interior Design
FOCUS: Evidence 2: Other Forms of Support

Chapter 8: Inequality, Wealth and Happiness
Subject Areas: Economics, Psychology
FOCUS: The Text in Context 1

Chapter 9: Social Networks: A Magic Number?
Subject Areas: Social Anthropology, Computer Studies
FOCUS: The Text in Context 2

Chapter 10: Looking at the Stars
Subject Area: Astronomy
FOCUS: Bringing It All Together

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