Dimond's Legal Aspects of Nursing: A Definitive Guide To Law For Nurses, 8th edition

Published by Pearson (April 15, 2019) © 2019

  • Iwan Dowie University of South Wales
  • Richard Griffith College of Human and Health Sciences, Swansea University.
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Understand the legal principles of nursing all nurses should know with this definitive guide

Diamond's Legal Aspects of Nursing, 8th edition, by Iwan Dowie and Richard Griffin, is the definitive guide to the law that all nurses should know. Written specifically for student nurses, the textis beneficial for those already in the practice, providing practical information on the legal principles you need to be aware of in your everyday nursing practice.

Now in its 8th edition, Diamond's text remains the definitive guide to the law for nurses. Comprehensive and approachable, this edition has been significantly reworked by an expert author team with extensive experience in teaching nursing law to ensure the principles covered are clear and accessible to those not familiar with the law. The text includes recent legal developments and the new nursing standards to ensure it continues to meet the requirements of nursing law modules.

Including key statutes and cases explained by experts in the subject, Diamond's text remains the authoritative text on nursing law.

New Version

Guided Tour

Table of Cases Table of Statutes


Preface to eighth edition


Publisher's Acknowledgements

Part I General Principles affecting all nurses

  1. Introduction: Professionalism, the legal system and human rights
  2. Actions in the criminal courts and defences to criminal charges
  3. Liability in a civil court case for negligence
  4. Specific problem areas in civil liability: Personal liability of the nurse, vicarious liability of the employer and managerial issues
  5. Statutory functions and management of the NHS
  6. Progress of a civil claim: defences and compensation
  7. Consent to treatment and informing the patient
  8. Data protection: confidentiality and access
  9. Record keeping, statements and evidence in court
  10. The nurse and employment law
  11. The nurse as a registered professional
  12. Health and safety and the nurse

Part II Specialist areas

  1. Children and young persons
  2. The nurse on the gynaecology ward
  3. Acute care
  4. Learning disabilities and safeguarding people
  5. Nurse educator and researcher
  6. Legal aspects of the care of older people
  7. Nursing people with mental health problems or learning disability
  8. Accident and emergency, outpatients, genito-urinary departments day surgery
  9. Human fertility and genetics
  10. Community and primary care nursing
  11. Scope of professional practice, clinical nurse specialists and consultant nurse

Part III General areas

  1. Legal aspects of property
  2. Legal aspects of public health
  3. Handling complaints
  4. Legal aspects of medicines
  5. End-of-life care and death
  6. Complementary and alternative therapies
  7. The future


Further Reading



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