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Published by Pearson (April 25, 2017) © 2017
- Izabella Hearn
$20.47 AUD
This reader is accompanied by a CD that contains the full audio of the text in MP3 format.
The Galapagos Islands are beautiful. They are full of interesting animals and birds. One famous visitor to the islands in 1835 was the scientist Charles Darwin. Now the two young Americans, Sophie and David, are making a movie there. What do they find?
The Galapagos Islands are beautiful. They are full of interesting animals and birds. One famous visitor to the islands in 1835 was the scientist Charles Darwin. Now the two young Americans, Sophie and David, are making a movie there. What do they find?
Listen to a sample mp3 file from The GalapagosAbout the series
Pearson English Active Readers feature a wide range of classic, popular and non-fiction titles.These titles include exercises and mini-projects to create a more structured and intensive reading experience.- Available at five levelsÂ
- Ideal choice for classroom use and group readingÂ
- Every Pearson English Active Reader comes with a CD, which includes audio and extra activities
- Ideal for classroom use with teenagers
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