Law and Ethics in Educational Leadership, 2nd edition
Published by Pearson (February 7, 2012) © 2013
- David L. Stader
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For graduate level Law and Ethics courses in Educational Leadership Programs
A user-friendly, coherent look at the study of legal issues in a real-world, problem-based approach that emphasises the knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed for successful PK-12 leadership
In this real world, problem-based approach to law and ethics in educational leadership, the author emphasises the knowledge, skills, and dispositions today’s educators need to be successful leaders. In a user-friendly, coherent approach to the study of legal issues, how changes in law and society impact decision, and how to apply ethical frameworks to future decision-making, David Stader encourages candidates to analyse, evaluate, and synthesise legal knowledge and ethical frameworks and then present their own views in a logical, coherent manner.
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