Marketing Communications: A European Perspective, 7th edition

Published by Pearson (February 12, 2021) © 2021

  • Patrick De Pelsmacker University of Antwerp, Belgium
  • Maggie Geuens Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School
  • Joeri Van Den Bergh InSites Consulting
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Learn the techniques and applications of marketing communications in a European context
Marketing Communications: A European Perspective, 7th Edition, by De Pelsmacker, Geuens and Van Den Bergh provides an extensive overview of the key concepts, techniques and applications of marketing communications within a European context. This book provides in-depth coverage of consumer behaviour and branding foundations of marketing communications, and all elements of the communications mix, including advertising, public relations, sponsorship, brand activation, direct marketing and exhibitions. Building on the success of the last edition, the 7th edition uses examples, case studies and research results from various countries, industries and markets to make the concepts more practice orientated and help you grasp essential facts. Extensive case material on global brands like Snickers, Libresse, Guinness, Costco, Baunat, Trooper and Lego have been added to reflect the recent developments in marketing communications.

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  1. Integrated communications
  2. Branding
  3. How marketing communications work
  4. Marketing communications planning
  5. Advertising
  6. Online communication
  7. Media planning
  8. Brand activation
  9. Direct marketing
  10. Public relations
  11. Sponsorship
  12. Exhibitions and trade fairs
  13. Measuring campaign effectiveness
  14. Ethical issues in marketing communications 

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