Chemistry: A Molecular Approach for consideration at the University of Winnipeg

Pearson is pleased to present the 4th Canadian Edition of Chemistry: A Molecular Approach for consideration at the University of Winnipeg.  Chemistry: AMA comes with Mastering Chemistry, a fully interactive eText, Learning Catalytics, and more! We hope you find this information helpful and look forward to partnering with Chem 1111/Chem 1112  to deliver an outstanding experience for your students.

Mastering Chemistry was designed to personalize learning for students and improve results. We’d like to bring your attention to a few of the features you will find in Mastering Chemistry based on our conversations with you at the University of Winnipeg.

1. Math and Chemistry Knowledge


GapFinder assesses your students' levels of understanding in the context of math relevant to their chemistry course and creates personalized plans to help them remediate the math skills necessary to succeed in the chemistry sequence. GapFinder makes it easy for them to see where they're struggling with key prerequisite math skills, so they study what they don’t know — not what they’ve already mastered.

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Dynamic Study Modules

Dynamic Study Modules are assignable modules that adapt to each student’s performance and offer personalized, targeted feedback to help them master key concepts in chemistry.

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2. Student Engagement

Learning Catalytics

Learning Catalytics is our “bring your own device” classroom engagement tool that comes FREE with Mastering Chemistry, you can check it out by clicking on the video.

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Freehand Grader

Freehand Grader, available as a new assignment type, allows you to quickly grade any kind of handwritten assignment. As you grade, you indicate the grading criteria and build the rubric question-by-question. This grade-as-you go approach lets you add notes to provide students with individual feedback.

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3. Academic Integrity

When students leave their learning to the last minute, it can be tempting to use shortcuts to earn the points they need for the grade they want. Pearson is committed to promoting learning and mitigating cheating by addressing these temptations with research-based strategies designed to provide guidance when needed. Mastering™ resources, such as interactive worked examples and tutorial hints designed to scaffold learners to mastery, optimize the learning experience and encourage students to use the resources rather than seek answers elsewhere.

Multiple Pools

You can use pooled assignments to give each student only a specified number of items from each pool in an assignment. In a pooled assignment, each student is given a random subset of the items from each pool in the assignment, which further complicates attempts to share answers.

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Increased Randomization

For the 4th Canadian edition of Tro, we have added multiple variables/randomizations for over 1300 chemistry problems in Mastering Chemistry.

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More Security Features

Mastering has many additional security features to promote academic integrity. Click the thumbnail to watch the video.

Thank you to Christopher for sharing your positive experience with Mastering Chemistry in your physical chemistry course at the University of Winnipeg. We recently spoke with over 400 students on their experience with Mastering and 88% of the students felt that Mastering helped them succeed in their chemistry course, here’s a link to an infographic that shows more from those students.

Click here to download a document that walks through the 4th Canadian Edition of Chemistry: A Molecular Approach.

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For any questions regarding this, please send an email to Michelle Housley.