For jobs in this area you will need a high level of qualifications in the specialist area you wish to work in, as well as management or research skills.

Further qualifications and/or experience gained while working will be required to progress in your career. Jobs include farm manager or director, forestry consultant, horticulture production manager, plant pathologist and agronomist.

Example jobs

Providing advice and support to farmers to help crop production.

Plant pathologist
A specialist in plant health and diseases, for example carrying out research and providing specialist advice and guidance.

Arboricultural consultant
Providing advice to tree/forest owners and managers.

Things you need to know

Typical working conditions

You could be based mainly in an office or laboratory, but your job will also involve working outdoors and travelling to sites such as farms, research facilities or forests. This will mean working outside in all weathers.

Qualifications needed

You will need to obtain a relevant degree in your chosen subject, such as arboriculture, forestry management, biological sciences or agronomy. So first you will need A levels or equivalent in subjects such as chemistry, biology, physics and maths. For some careers, such as plant pathology, you will need to carry out study at postgraduate level, for example a master’s or doctorate in plant protection or crop protection.

Career path

You could progress to senior positions within your specialism or move into a management role that might take you away from the day-to-day work in your specialist area. For example, you might become more involved in staff management or the financial side of the business.

Useful links

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Science & Plants for Schools

Find out more about careers in plant sciences


Information, training and support for the land-based and environmental sector


Careers in horticulture