Nicola Lomax describes her job as a clinic director and senior physiotherapist for Metro Physio.

What is your role?

I am one of the directors at Metro Physio and am responsible for the Merseyside region. I am a musculoskeletal physiotherapist which involves treating pain or injuries that are related to the muscular or skeletal system.

What do you like about your job?

I like overseeing the running of the business to ensure that all patients receive a high level of patient care when they attend Metro Physio. I also still very much enjoy the clinical side where I am involved in diagnosing injuries and helping people get back to full fitness.

What’s not so great about it?

I enjoy all aspects of my job, although working in private practice can involve working unsociable and long hours.

How did you get to where you are?

I have always been involved in sport. When I was younger I competed nationally in athletics and volleyball. I always wanted to work in sport, so I started looking into physiotherapy courses.

To get onto the physiotherapy degree I had to do three A levels, one of which had to be biology. I passed my A levels and applied to four different universities. I was offered a place at Salford University. I didn’t get offers from the other three universities, as it is very competitive getting onto the course.

I worked in the NHS for three and a half years, mainly at the Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen NHS Trust. I also did some sports physio part-time in the evenings at rugby and athletics clubs while working for the NHS.

I always wanted to work in a private setting and with sportspeople, so I applied for a position at Metro Physio. I had previously done a placement with them when I was in my last year at university, so I was aware of the sort of work that they did.

In 2013 I became a company director at Metro Physio and have been involved in the management as well as the clinical side of the business.

What do you want to do next?

I would like to be involved in some research and lecturing at one of the local universities.

What advice would you give young people thinking of doing your job in the future?

If you want to get onto a physiotherapy degree course you must do biology at A level.

If you want to get into sports physio, you will need to build up contacts in local clubs. The best way to do this is to do some work experience or voluntary work with the club first.

Nicola Lomax

Nicola Lomax, clinic director and senior physiotherapist, Metro Physio