
Consider Ethics: Theory, Readings, and Contemporary Issues, 4th edition

  • Bruce N. Waller

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Consider Ethics: Theory, Readings and Contemporary Issues brings major ethical theories to life by tying them to aspects of our day-to-day lives. Author Bruce Waller reveals how ethics play a part in personal relationships, business, cultural conflicts and more. By relating ethical theories to issues that arise naturally in modern life, the text prompts you draw your own conclusions.

The 4th Edition includes a new chapter on reflective equilibrium as a method of ethical inquiry. Expanded coverage of critical thinking facilitates discussion of controversial topics. And the author offers detailed new examinations of contemporary ethical issues relating to immigration and genetic enhancement.

Published by Pearson (July 14th 2021) - Copyright © 2020

ISBN-13: 9780137554263

Subject: Philosophy

Category: Introduction to Philosophy & Ethics

1. Thinking About Ethics
2. Thinking Critically About Ethics
3. Egoism and Relativism
4. Ethics and Emotions
5. Ethics and Reason
6. Intuitionism
7. Reflective Equilibrium
8. Utilitarian Ethics
9. Social Contract Ethics
10. Care Ethics
11. Virtue Ethics
12. Pluralism and Pragmatism
13. Moral Realism Versus Moral Anti-Realism
14. The Scope of Morality
15. Free Will and Moral Responsibility
16. The Death Penalty
17. Should the Police Use Deceit in Investigations?
18. The Ethics of Immigration
19. The Ethics of Moral Enhancement