The ultimate guide to learning management systems

Pearson Languages
A man and woman sat in a meeting room smiling

You may have heard the term learning management system (LMS) at work or perhaps during your time in education. For many, this throws out images of clunky, outdated systems that clumsily distribute course materials and are tough to use. But that is no longer the case. Modern LMS's are far more user-friendly, and it's time to relearn what you thought you knew about these tools. 

In this ultimate guide, we will look at everything you need to know about learning management systems and why they are so beneficial. 

What is a learning management system?

A learning management system is a digital platform or software as a service (SaaS) solution that is used to create, organize and distribute online courses. 

The idea is that these LMS platforms offer one central place for users to manage and access courses and learning materials. Depending on the user, this could be anything from self-paced e-courses to classroom training. 

This can help facilitate a range of training, studying and skills development, as well as assessments, exams and certification management. 

Who uses LMS's and why? 

There are many great uses for learning management systems but these are used primarily by businesses and educational establishments. Here are some of the most common use cases for these platforms: 

  • HR and management - The HR and management team might implement these across the business to help with learning and development and make sure that organizational goals are being hit

  • Employee onboarding - Those starting a new job may be given training via an LMS; this can make the onboarding process much quicker and simpler 

  • Compliance training - Lots of roles require compliance training, for example health and safety training, and this is a great way for businesses to stay up to date and ensure everyone complies with regulations 

  • Customer support - Some businesses use learning management systems to onboard customers or clients. This might include sharing user manuals and product guides. Plus, sales professionals might also use them to train new partners or clients in using their services or platforms. 

  • Classroom learning - Lecturers and teachers can create and share course materials and align content and tests from one place. These can also be used to put a twist on traditional classroom learning. 

  • Blended learning - Schools, colleges and universities may use these for online lessons and blended learning, particularly for remote students 

  • Volunteer training - Charities and non-profits may also use an LMS to educate volunteers and keep them motivated about the cause 

Of course, these platforms can and will be used in other ways, but these are some of the most common and beneficial uses for LMS's. 

Who has access to LMS's?

In most cases, learning management systems will have two primary user groups: administrators and learners.  

Administrators are the people who create, manage and deliver e-learning. They may use these platforms to upload their own learning materials, or they may select courses and materials from an existing list given by the provider.

On the other hand, learners are the professionals or students who will use these platforms to train, study and gain new skills. Many modern LMS's allow multiple learners to train or access materials at the same time.

However, there is a third and final group that we have yet to mention: the parents of students using LMS's, particularly outside of school hours. In some cases, parents may have access to these systems to support students, track their progress or look at feedback from the teacher. 

Key features in modern LMS's

There are a variety of learning management systems out there and some are more advanced than others. That being said, many modern platforms will share similar features to ensure they stay competitive. Some of these key features may include: 

  • Authoring tools that allow administrators to upload or build their own courses

  • Access to subject matter experts who can contribute to learning and development activities 

  • Automated workflows that allow for the creation of personalized learning journeys

  • A resources library that holds all relevant learning materials, such as guides, video clips and courses

  • Quizzes and surveys for a more fun and engaging way to assess learners 

  • Compliance features, such as automatic reminders that notify learners when it is time to retrain 

  • Certificates and diplomas that give learners recognition as they study and meet their targets 

  • Insights and analysis for individual progress and results, allowing administrators to identify gaps or areas where support is needed

  • Compatibility with mobile devices for studying on the go 

  • Integrations with other internal systems and software 

This is by no means a complete list and different platforms will have different functionality. However, these are some of the most common and beneficial features of many modern LMSs.

The benefits of using learning management systems

Saving time and money

First and foremost, an LMS can be an excellent way for businesses to save time and money on training. 

Of course there is an initial investment in the platform, but training can be expensive and time-consuming, particularly if it must take place in a location outside of the workplace. Therefore, this can be the more cost-effective solution. Not to mention, the materials are quick to access and can save time and effort. 

Ensuring compliance training is completed

These platforms are an excellent way to ensure that all mandatory training is completed on time and to the highest standard. For example, industry-specific training such as fire safety or cybersecurity training. 

Provide accurate data

Administrators can access data and insights into their employee's learning. This can be a great way to see where more support is needed and to identify any skills gaps that need to be filled. Similarly, teachers can get to grips with how well their students are doing and if they need extra help in any subjects or areas.

Improves the learning experience

Whether in school or the workplace, LMS's can be a great way to improve the learning process. It allows users to study and access learning materials from one accessible location. Plus, through a multimedia approach, they can use guides, videos and more to help them learn. This can ensure they engage with the materials and stay motivated. 

Simplifying communication

Finally, an LMS can make communication between students, teachers, employees and employers far simpler. For example, automated reminders keep everyone in the loop and ensure all training is completed on time. But more than that, there is one central place to communicate, review feedback and access the same materials. 

Looking for a language learning management system to help improve your language teaching/training experience?

Check out our digital learning platforms

We offer Business English courses within PEC/MEL such as Step Up and Business Partner 

Looking for a more lightweight option? Check out Mondly by Pearson, which offers learning management system features such as a progress tracking dashboard.

Learn more about Mondly by Pearson

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    Assessing and tracking your students' language learning

    By Pearson Languages

    Reading time: 4 minutes

    As a language teacher, your goal is not just to impart knowledge but to guide your students on a transformative journey toward fluency. Assessing and tracking learning progress is a dynamic process that empowers both educators and learners, rather than being just a routine task.

    In today's language learning blog post, we will explore the significance of assessment in language teaching and provide valuable insights on how to track and assess your students' linguistic development.

    The benefits

    Informed instruction

    Regular assessments enable teachers to tailor instruction to meet individual student needs. Identifying strengths and weaknesses helps educators adapt teaching methods, promoting a more personalized and effective learning experience.

    Motivational tool

    Assessment results can be very useful in motivating students. Even small progress should be acknowledged as it can boost their confidence and encourage a positive attitude towards learning. It is important to share success stories, celebrate achievements and foster a culture of continuous improvement within your language classroom.

    Feedback for growth

    Assessment feedback can help students improve their skills by giving them a clear idea of their strengths and weaknesses. Teachers can use this feedback to encourage students to take responsibility for their learning journey and foster a growth mindset that is resilient even in the face of linguistic difficulties.

    Tracking and assessment methods

    Diverse assessment methods

    Embrace a variety of assessment methods to capture the multifaceted nature of language learning. Beyond traditional exams, integrate speaking assessments, project-based evaluations and collaborative activities. This diversity ensures a comprehensive understanding of your students' language proficiency.

    Example: Consider assigning projects that involve researching, creating presentations and demonstrating creative expression (like plays or videos) in the target language. Assessing various aspects such as language skills, creativity and critical thinking. Design projects around your class's interests and motivations.

    Formative assessments

    Integrate formative assessments into your teaching strategy. These ongoing evaluations, such as quizzes, class discussions and short writing assignments, provide real-time feedback. For instance, if you notice that your students are struggling with a particular concept, you can use formative assessments to evaluate the effectiveness of your teaching approach and make necessary adjustments.

    Example: Conduct regular quizzes, polls or short assessments during class to evaluate students' understanding. Use quick checks to gauge student understanding to adjust teaching methods accordingly. This will help you tailor your teaching methods in real time to ensure effective lesson delivery.

    Portfolio assessment

    Encourage students to maintain language portfolios. These portfolios can include samples of their written work, recorded conversations and reflections on their language learning journey. Portfolio assessments offer a holistic view of progress and provide students with a tangible record of their achievements.

    Example: Conduct periodic portfolio reviews to discuss progress and set goals. Encourage frequent reflection to show learners how far they've come. 


    Empower students to self-assess. Encourage reflection on their language skills, setting goals and evaluating their own progress. Self-assessment also fosters a sense of responsibility and independence in the learning process. When students take ownership of their progress, they become more invested in their education and are more likely to achieve their goals.

    Example: Provide your language students self-assessment checklists or rubrics for them to evaluate their proficiency and set personal goals.

    Technology integration

    Use language learning platforms' analytics and progress reports for data-driven decision-making. It's great to help save time and provide reliable and up-to-date reports. 

    Example: Using online platforms for assignments, quizzes and collaborative projects with built-in tracking features. Our learning platforms, Pearson English Connect (PEC) and MyEnglishLab (MEL), can help you keep track of your students' progress.

    Cultural projects

    Cultural projects are a great way to engage students in the broader context of the language they are learning. These projects could involve researching cultural practices, traditions or historical events related to the language.

    Students learn how to navigate cultural nuances, understand diverse perspectives and effectively communicate in different cultural contexts by participating in cultural projects. Such projects help students form a personal connection with the language and bridge the gap between theory and real-world application, making language learning more meaningful.

    Example: Assign projects that explore certain cultural aspects of the target language, encouraging a deeper understanding of context. These can be evaluated on how well it's presented, its clarity, and how factually accurate it is.

    Peer reviews

    Peer review is a valuable practice that promotes a sense of community within the language learning classroom. It involves students working together and offering constructive feedback to each other, which leads to the development of their language skills. It creates a collaborative learning environment where students actively participate in the improvement of their peers, learning from one another's strengths and weaknesses.

    Students often put more effort into assignments when they know peers will review their work. This increased accountability can lead to higher-quality work and a greater commitment to language learning.

    Example: Implement peer review sessions where students provide feedback on each other's written or spoken assignments. Encourage constructive criticism to enhance collaboration and learning. To accommodate shy students, this process can be anonymous.


    Assessing and tracking language learning progress is integral to effective language teaching, requiring continuous interaction between educators and students.

    By utilizing diverse assessment methods and fostering a culture of constant improvement, language teachers play a vital role in guiding their students toward linguistic fluency. Helping language students celebrate their successes and overcome challenges helps them to be not only proficient speakers but also lifelong language enthusiasts.

    Are you an English teacher preparing for assessments? Check out our post Motivating your students through assessment.

    As well as our learning platforms, PEC and MEL, we offer various English assessments and courses to help track your learner's progress and to certify their English level, so make sure to explore our range to find the best solution for your students.  

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    Improve student vocabulary and memory with these classroom activities

    By Vaughan Jones

    Reading time: 6.5 minutes

    Vaughan Jones has more than 30 years of experience as an EFL Teacher, Trainer and Author. He’s lived and worked in France, Japan and Spain, and has worked to produce a number of coursebooks, including Focus, an English language learning series for upper-secondary students.

    In this post he explores some tips and techniques for language teachers to help students improve their ability to remember vocabulary. 

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    6 language learning techniques for beginners

    By Pearson Languages

    Reading time: 4 minutes

    So you’ve just started to learn a new language (or just set up a resolution to learn one), you're not alone; every day there are more people embracing the challenge of mastering a language. It can be tricky to know where to start, and sometimes the biggest learning hurdle.

    No matter what language you're trying out (and whatever your native language), there are always solid methods to help start your journey off and help reach your language learning goals. Here are some suggestions to help you get started.

    Chunking technique

    Rather than attempting to memorize lengthy lists of words, it's more effective to break them down into smaller, more manageable chunks. You can group the words by themes or categories, such as food, colors or daily activities. Additionally, you can use mnemonic devices or create associations to help you remember them more efficiently.

    For example, if you're trying to learn colors, you could use the acronym "ROYGBIV" and make a phrase out of that, like ‘Richard of York gave battle in vain’ to remember the colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.  You can make whatever acronyms or phrases are easiest for you to remember.

    This technique can also be used to remember rules or concepts. By associating them with memorable phrases, images or stories, they become easier to recall and apply in practical situations.

    Spaced Repetition System (SRS)

    Use spaced repetition systems like Anki or Quizlet to create flashcards for vocabulary. These systems use algorithms that show flashcards at intervals based on your familiarity with the words. Review flashcards regularly, focusing more on unfamiliar words to reinforce memory retention.

    To create effective flashcards, it is important to focus on quality over quantity. Instead of trying to memorize large amounts of words at once, start with a smaller set of words and gradually add more as you become more comfortable. When creating your flashcards, include both the word and its definition. You can also include example sentences or images to help you remember the word more easily.

    The more you practice something regularly the more likely it is to stick in your longer-term memory. You’ll be surprised how much you can retain over time with this technique that’s based on science.

    Pomodoro Technique

    A classic but essential technique. Divide your study time into short, focused intervals using the Pomodoro Technique. Set a timer for 25 minutes of concentrated language practice, followed by a 5-minute break. Repeat this cycle and take a longer break after every 4 cycles (2 hours).

    This method boosts productivity and maintains focus during study sessions. It is great for those days when your attention span isn’t as sharp as usual. Find an online Pomodoro timer here.

    Visual learning aids

    If you are feeling overwhelmed by the amount of information you are trying to learn, creating visual aids such as mind maps and infographics can be a helpful way to simplify complex concepts and make them easier to understand.

    For example, when studying a new language, you may find it helpful to create a mind map that breaks down the different grammar rules, verb conjugations and key phrases you need to know. This can help you see how all of the different elements fit together and make it easier to remember them when you need to use them. It can be a great way to also notice patterns, which can be helpful for understanding a concept or language rule.

    Vocabulary notebook

    Designate a notebook or use digital tools to create a vocabulary repository. Divide it into sections based on themes. For example, you could have a section for business vocabulary, another for scientific terms, and so on. This will help you to organize your learning and make it easier to find and review specific words and phrases.

    As you come across new words, be sure to add them to your vocabulary repository right away. Include the word, its definition and an example sentence to provide context. You can also add images or audio recordings to help reinforce your understanding of the word.

    The great thing about designing your own book is that you can present it however you want and in whatever way works best for you. Some people find the act of writing their learnings useful to remember what they’ve learned.

    Regularly reviewing your vocabulary repository will help you retain the words you have learned and expand your knowledge over time. So make sure to set aside some time each week to review your vocabulary and add new words as you come across them.

    Listen and repeat

    Find beginner-friendly podcasts, videos, TV shows or audio dialogues in the target language. Listen attentively and pause at intervals to repeat what you've heard. Focus on mimicking the speaker's pronunciation and rhythm. This technique aids in comprehension and speaking fluency.

    There are many free resources available online that can help you with this type of listening practice. YouTube is a great place to start, as there are many beginner-friendly clips available in a wide variety of languages; for example, if you're learning Spanish, there are plenty of podcasts available online and on Spotify.

    These specific language learning methods, when incorporated into your language study routine, can significantly help aid your progress as a beginner and keep you on track. Experiment with different methods to find what works best for your learning style and stick to it.

    Don't forget to try out different language learning strategies, even the ones that may seem weird or unusual. You might be surprised at what you find works well in improving your language skills.

    If you're trying to learn English, make sure to read our blog post 6 easy ways to learn English or 3 ways to learn new English words.