Versant English language test: Assessment tools for business

Pearson Languages
Business men chatting in front of a computer screen and papers

You may have heard about Versant, an English test you can take remotely. You may have also heard that companies often use it for interviewing job candidates. 

But what does the Versant test assess? And is it the right English proficiency test for you - or your company?

In today's language learning blog post, we’ll cover everything you need to know about Versant. You’ll find out who it’s for, which language skills it tests, and why companies use it to assess candidates.

What is Versant?

Versant allows companies to quickly and efficiently evaluate the English language proficiency of their current or future employees. It helps HR managers assess candidates' language skills; as a result, companies can use Versant for recruitment, training, or promotion purposes.

Versant tests use artificial intelligence, machine learning, and auto-marketing technologies to streamline testing. This way, they can score assessments automatically, quickly, reliably, and securely.

Who is the Versant test for?

Imagine that HR Manager Maria has to hire a dozen new customer service representatives for her company. She only has a month to do it and is already overwhelmed with her other HR duties. And now, she has to screen tens - and potentially hundreds - of candidates. Above all, she needs to find people with a good enough English level to excel in a demanding customer service position. 

Test takers can complete Versant English tests online or offline, anytime, from anywhere. So if Maria chooses to use Versant tests to assess her candidates, she can run and deliver hundreds of standardized tests and get instant results.

Moreover, the administration of the test is very intuitive, so it won’t take up too much of her time. And the easy-to-understand detailed score reports that Versant provides will make her hiring decisions all the easier. 

Similarly, a job seeker will be delighted to take an online English test from the comfort of their own home. Since Versant test delivery is flexible, they can choose a time that suits them. All they need is a reliable internet connection and a headset with a built-in microphone.

The Versant test will provide solid proof of the candidate's English level by evaluating language skills accurately and reliably. So they can demonstrate to the company just how well-equipped they are to do the job they're applying for.

How is Versant structured and which skills does it test?

Different companies have different assessment needs. Some need their employees’ language skills to be well-rounded. Others focus on speaking skills. Others put a stronger emphasis on writing. Therefore, the Versant suite has four types of English proficiency tests to cater to all these needs:

1. The Versant Professional English Test 

The Versant Professional English Test is the most thorough of the 4 test types. It takes 60 minutes to complete and assesses all four skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. It has 10 different task types covering a broad range of language abilities. The Versant Professional English Test is a comprehensive test. So, it’s the best choice for companies that need their employees to have mastered all aspects of the English language.

2. The Versant English Test

The Versant English Test is a shorter, 17-minute English proficiency test focusing on evaluating speaking skills. It assesses the candidate’s ability to communicate effectively in English with tasks that target fluency, pronunciation, vocabulary, and sentence mastery. Thanks to this, it’s best for companies whose employees use spoken English primarily. For example, call centers, hotels, or delivery drivers.

3. The Versant Writing Test

The Versant Writing Test takes up to 35 minutes to complete. It allows companies to gauge the writing abilities of candidates. It tests skills such as grammar, vocabulary, organization, voice & tone, and reading comprehension. 

This English test for interviews is ideal for companies whose employees primarily use English in writing. For example, they use English for taking notes, responding to emails and chats, or writing product descriptions.

4. The Versant 4 Skills Essential

The Versant 4 Skills Essential is a test for companies looking to hire employees who are proficient in all four English language skills. Companies usually use it for filling entry-level positions. The test has a shorter time frame of 30 minutes and can be delivered flexibly online. Therefore, it’s ideal for fulfilling urgent recruitment needs. 

What are the key benefits and features of Versant tests for administrators?

Versant tests are straightforward to administer. They seamlessly blend into an HR manager’s routine. Here are some of the key benefits of Versant English proficiency tests for administrators:

1. Automated scoring 

Versant has been perfecting its AI-based assessment technology for over 25 years. Because of the incredible amount of research that has gone into creating a reliable scoring system, Versant is able to automatically mark tests without the need for a human scorer. This provides a wide range of benefits for companies. 

Firstly, they can save time and money when testing job candidates. Secondly, unlike human scorers, Versant is free of bias and scores every candidate in a completely objective and consistent way. And thirdly, it prevents cheating by automatically alerting administrators of any suspicious test-taker behavior. 

2. Score reports

Another huge benefit is that Versant presents instant results in easy-to-read score reports. These contain detailed information about the candidate’s language abilities. And they highlight skills that companies deem important so administrators can evaluate them at a glance. 

Versant score reports assign a CEFR or equivalent Global Scale of English score to the candidate. Consequently, the candidate’s results become comparable to international standards. And the score reports contain suggestions for improvement, so candidates like Fred can practice the tasks that they’re not yet proficient at.

3. ScoreKeeper test administration tool 

Last but not least, Versant tests come with the handy ScoreKeeper administration tool. It lets administrators deploy tests and review score reports in an easy-to-use platform. ScoreKeeper was designed with HR professionals in mind. As a result, managing tests, uploading rosters, and exporting results with the tool is a breeze.

Why do HR managers choose Versant tests?

From the above points, it’s easy to see why an HR Manager would choose Versant. 

Versant automated language tests are an essential tool for scaling up your recruitment and candidate testing efforts. Most importantly, they allow HR Managers to save time and resources. And they let them focus on what they do best instead of trying to screen hundreds of candidates for English skills. 

Versant doesn’t just significantly speed up the hiring process and cut down on costs. Above all, it lets HR departments manage secure, reliable, and bias-free standardized tests in bulk.

If you think that your organization could benefit from a quick, easy and reliable automated English proficiency test, find out more about Versant.

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