Introducing Patty Pearson

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Patty Pearson makes grammar easy to understand for all learners. Her videos can be used in the classroom or for self study.

Today’s learners all need something, some different way to learn, but there seems to be some common ground.
Today’s youth is highly visual, with social networks like YouTube, Snapchat and Instagram being among the most used in their age groups. While Facebook usage is declining among 15-19-year-olds, usage of YouTube, Snapchat and Instagram is on the rise. Approximately 86% of the teenagers use YouTube, 73% is on Instagram and 72% uses Snapchat.*
But how can you translate this to the classroom, how can you use this information to engage your learners?

Dry and difficult subjects like grammar don’t scream visually fun and engaging, or do they? What if a subject like grammar could be made more attractive with just a simple and informative video.
That is where the Pearson teacher comes in. Patty Pearson takes time out of her busy day to explain grammar rules. She is starting with the easy ones like then & than and it’s & its, as the year progresses she will do a deep dive into the confusing world of present perfect and present continuous and of course many more.
Aside from the easy to understand short videos from miss Pearson she also creates some exercises to go with the subject of the video. All of Patty’s materials can be used in the classroom or at home or both. A little extra practice never hurt anyone.

Miss Pearson would like to know what you think would be a valuable and much needed grammar lesson. You can contact her via mail or just leave a comment on any of Pearson’s social pages.

Patty Pearson Than & then
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