The Skills Accelerator experience
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  • 'Plug and Play' set up
    Simple implementation process regardless of scale. Courses can be integrated into learning platforms or used as a 'stand alone' learning product.
  • Learn in the flow of work
    Guided online courses that integrate with work so your people can learn on the job, using the tasks they need to complete every day.
  • Peer-supported courses
    Learners are matched with experienced peers from within your business to give them guided feedback on their course project.
  • Evidence-based learning design
    Experiential courses built on learning science, research and rigorous live testing so you can be confident courses will deliver the learning outcomes you need.
  • Formal, recognised skills verification
    Learners and advisors earn verified, transferable skills badges through the Credly platform which is the credentialing network of choice for 3K+ certification, assessment, and training providers and employers.


Improve commercial sense

Ensure your whole team can articulate the value of their work and gain buy-in for your business goals from colleagues across your business.

Diversify staff experience

Develop the agile and responsive team you need, so you can lead a department that actively seeks problems to solve and drives business growth.

Motivate high performers

You know your best people. Give them the leadership opportunities they ask for - built on their current skills and knowledge.

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I found that it was really really positive, I had quite a clear idea of what I wanted to achieve from it, I absolutely did achieve that. I wouldn't have done that if I hadn’t signed up... So it was a very positive experience

Becky T, Product Manager (Learner).

The bit that I thought was phenomenally good, was getting connected to an advisor. This was really helpful. It was a real turning point, that the project I chose has gotten reports that proves that it was good work.

Darya Duckworth, Channel Sales Manager (Learner). 

It was not about completing the course, it was about developing the learner, It's about maximizing people potential so they can progress in their career. When I help someone do that, I feel very happy.

Paulo Antonelli, Customer Success Team Manager (Advisor).