
Teaching Young Children: An Introduction, 6th edition

  • Michael L. Henniger

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1. Overview of the Profession
2. Historical Contexts
3. Early Childhood Program Models

4. Understanding How a Child Develops and Learns
5. Play in Childhood
6. Guiding Young Children
7. Working with Families and Communities
8. Diversity and Young Children

9. Planning the Physical Environment: Indoors
10. Planning the Physical Environment: Outdoors
11. Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum

12. Health and Wellness
13. Supporting Emotional and Social Development
14. Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies Learning
15. Language and Literacy Learning
16. The Creative Arts
17. Technology and Young Children

1. Overview of the Profession
Essentials of Early Care and Education
Understand Children and Their Development / Provide Opportunities to Play Guide Social and Emotional Development / Work with Parents, Families, and the Community / Understand and Respect Diversity The Scope of Early Care and Education
Infant/Toddler Programs / Preschool Programs / Child-Care Program / Programs for Children with Special Needs / Kindergartens / Primary Education
Funding: Who Pays for Early Education?
For-Profit Programs / Cooperative Programs / Federally Funded Programs / State and Locally Funded Programs / Corporate Child Care / College- and University-Supported Programs
Teaching Young Children
The Power of Teaching / Roles of the Early Childhood Educator / Responsibilities of the Early Childhood Educator / Skills Needed to Teach Young Children / Should I Enter the Profession?
Professional Preparation of Early Childhood Professionals
The CDA Credential / Two-Year, or Associate Degree, Programs / Four-Year Programs / Coordinating Efforts / Advanced Degrees
Resources for Professional Development
Professional Organizations / Journals / Reference Materials

2. Historical Contexts
Historical Figures Influencing Early Care and Education
European Contributors / American Influences
Recent American Contributors
Historical Events Influencing Early Care and Education
Child Study Movement / The Great Depression / World War II / The Launching of Sputnik / The War on Poverty / No Child Left Behind Act and Race to the Top-Early Learning Challenge

3. Early Childhood Program Models
The Montessori Program
Montessori's Work Experiences / Montessori Materials / Classroom Organization / Role of the Early Childhood Professional / Children Served
The High/Scope Curriculum Model
Theoretical Basis / The Plan-Do-Review Sequence / The Curriculum / Structure of the Class Day / The High/Scope Professional's Role / Research on the High/Scope Model / Children Served
Waldorf Education
Theoretical Perspectives / Role of the Waldorf Professional / Sample Teaching Strategies The Bank Street Model
Theoretical Underpinnings / Program Goals / Governing Principles / Curriculum and Materials / Children Served
The Reggio Emilia Program
The Environment / Children, Families, and Reggio Emilia Professionals / Cooperation, Collaboration, and Organization / The Atelierista / The Importance of Documentation / Projects / Children Served

4. Understanding How a Child Develops and Learns
Key Perspectives on Learning and Development
John Bowlby (-) / Abraham Maslow (-) / Howard Gardner (-) / Maria Montessori (-) / Lev Vygotsky (-) / Erik Erikson (-) / Jean Piaget (-) / Urie Bronfenbrenner (-) / Jack Shonkoff and Deborah Phillips / Ellen Galinsky
Children: Developmental Similarities and Differences
Infants and Toddlers / Children Ages through: The Preschool Years / Children Ages through: The Primary School Years / Children with Special Needs
The Developmentally Appropriate Classroom

5. Play in Childhood
Defining Play
Characteristics of Play / Descriptors of Play
Why Children Play: Theories
Classical Theories / Contemporary Theories
Cognitive and Social Play
Cognitive Play / Social Play
Benefits of Play
Intellectual Growth through Play / Building Social Skills / Language and Literacy Development / Physical Development and Health / Emotional Development / Play and Creativity
Facilitating Childhood Play
Preparing the Play Environments / Creating a Climate for Play / Promoting the Importance of Play / Adult Involvement in Play

6. Guiding Young Children
What Is Guidance?
Supporting Emotional and Social Development / Growing toward Self-Regulation / Learning to Function as a Productive Member of Society
Components of Guidance
Indirect Guidance / Building Relationships / Physically Guiding Children / Verbal Guidance / Conflict Resolution Strategies
Guidance Applications
Feelings and Emotions / Routines / Social Interactions / Group Guidance

7. Working with Families and Communities
Family Life Today
Extended Family Members Caring for Children Together / Living Together as a Multigenerational Family / Single Parents and Families Experiencing Separation and Divorce / Changes in Family Structure: Blending and Forming New Families / Working Families / Older and Younger Parents / Family Mobility / Families Experiencing Homelessness / Families with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Members / Families That Have Children with Special Needs / Families with Foster Children / Families with Children Who Are Adopted / Linguistic Diversity / Ethnic/Cultural Diversity
Benefits and Potential Conflicts
Benefits to Early Childhood Professionals / Benefits to Families / Benefits to Children / Potential Conflicts
Building Strong Two-Way Relationships
Providing Mutual Support / Communication: The Key / Effective Communication Strategies / Understanding Beliefs and Attitudes / Family-Friendly Schools
Engaging Families
In Early Childhood Settings / At Home
Connecting with the Community
Involving the Community in the Early Childhood Setting / Involving the Early Childhood Program in the Community / Advocacy and Public Policy

8. Diversity and Young Children
Attitudes toward Diversity
Racial/Cultural Attitudes / Attitudes about Gender / Sexual Orientation / Children with Special Needs / English Language Learners / Religious Diversity
Biased Responses to Diversity
Ignore Diversity / The Tourist Approach
Understanding Our Own and Others' Diverse Identities
Begin with Self-Analysis / Talk about Differences / Talk about Similarities / Expose Children to Diversity
Integrating Diversity and Social Justice throughout the Curriculum
Culturally Relevant Teaching and Learning / The Antibias Curriculum / Using Toys That Promote Diversity / Diversity through Games / Quality Children's Literature / The Visual-Aesthetic Environment / Meaningful Diversity Experiences / English Language Learners and the Curriculum / Integrating Curriculum for Individuals with Special Needs / Gender and the Curriculum

9. Planning the Physical Environment: Indoors
Planning Guidelines
Basic Considerations / Selecting Equipment and Materials / Changing the Physical Environment / Health and Safety Considerations / Environmentally Friendly Indoor Spaces
Centers-Based Early Childhood Programs
Art Center / Manipulative Center / Literacy Center / Block Center / Housekeeping Center / Dramatic Play Center / The Music Center / Discovery/Science Center / Other Creative Centers
Infant/Toddler Environments
Developmental Considerations / Spaces and Centers
Preschool Spaces
Planning Considerations / Center Organization
Kindergarten and Primary Classrooms
Academic Issues / Areas and Centers

10. Planning the Physical Environment: Outdoors
Importance of Outdoor Play
Committing to the Outdoor Environment
Planning Guidelines
Basic Considerations / Selecting Equipment and Materials / Planning for Change in the Outdoor Environment / Health and Safety Considerations
Outdoor Play Areas
Transition Area / Manipulative/Construction Area / Dramatic Play Area / Physical Area / Sand/Water Play Area / Natural Areas
Infant/Toddler Environments
Developmental Considerations / Areas and Equipment
Preschool Playgrounds
Planning Considerations / Area Organization
Kindergarten and Primary Playgrounds
Issues Concerning Recess / Children with Special Needs / Equipment and Its Organization

11. Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum
Creating a Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum
Identify Children's Needs and Interests / Plan the Curriculum / Engage in Assessment
The Integrated Curriculum
Why Implement an Integrated Curriculum? / Planning and Preparation / The Project Approach
Observation in Early Childhood Settings
Informal and Formal Observations / Uses for Observations / Becoming an Objective Observer / Observation Strategies
Planning Activities and Lessons
Activity Planning / Lesson Planning
Standardized Assessments / Developmental Screening in Early Childhood / The Role of Observation in Assessment / Documentation of Children's Learning / The Portfolio and Its Use

12. Health and Wellness
Importance of Health and Wellness
Physical Education and Its Importance / The Values of Health Education / Safety Education and Young Children / Working with Families
Physical Education
Basic Considerations / Instructional Strategies for Physical Education / Physical Development and Play / Organized Physical Activities / Games and Activities: Indoors / Games and Activities: Outdoors
Health Education Nutrition / Healthy Body Image / Medical and Dental Health / Illnesses / Healthy Adults
Safety Education
Environmental Risks / Accident Prevention / Abuse and Neglect

13. Supporting Emotional and Social Development
Supporting Emotional Development
What Are Emotions? / Dealing with Feelings / Bullying / Materials and Activities for Emotional Development
Facilitating Social Competence
Building a Sense of Self / Adult-Child Relationships / Peer Interactions / Guiding Social Interactions / The Environment and Materials / Activities and Themes
Stress as a Factor in Emotional and Social Development
Stress Factors / Helping Children Cope / Adult Stress

14. Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies Learning
The Cognitive Curriculum: Developing Children's Thinking
Learning Facts / Critical Thinking / Problem Solving / Lifelong Learning / The Constructivist Approach / Family Roles
Mathematics and Young Children
Classification / Seriation / Patterning / Number Concepts / Measurement / Geometry / The Language of Mathematics
Science Learning
Scientific Content / The Scientific Process
Young Children and Social Studies
Understanding Self / Understanding Others
Integrating Cognitive Learning throughout the Curriculum
Infant/Toddler Materials and Activities / Children Ages through / The Primary Grades

15. Language and Literacy Learning
Language and Literacy Development
Theoretical Perspectives / Language Development / Linguistic Systems / Literacy Development Language and Literacy Learning
Facilitating Language Learning / Language Learning Materials / Assisting with Emergent Literacy / Children's Books / Writing Tools / Writing Instruction / Formal Reading Instruction / Addressing the Needs of Diverse Language and Literacy Learners
Encouraging Family Involvement
Taking Advantage of Daily Living / Simple Home Learning Tasks

16. The Creative Arts
What Is Creativity?
Defining Creativity / Characteristics and Skills of Creative Individuals / Assisting with the Creative Process / Creativity and Play
The Young Artist v Why Include the Arts? / Misconceptions about Art / Developmental Trends in Art / The Early Childhood Art Curriculum / The Adult's Role in Art Experiences / The Art of Reggio Emilia / Art Activities Music and the Young Child
The Importance of Music in Early Childhood / Musical Development / Movement and Music / The Music Curriculum for Young Children / Facilitating Musical Experiences / Music Activities
Creative Dramatics, Theater, and Dance
Dramatic Play / Theater / Dance

17.Technology and Young Children
Developmentally Appropriate Technology
Electronic Screens
Television and Young Children / The Video Game Dilemma / Computers and Young Children / Mobile Media: Tablets and Smartphones / Selecting Software Applications for Young Children
Other Technologies
Digital Cameras / Video/Audio Recorders and Players / Interactive Whiteboards / Internet Tools
Technology and Home-School Relations
Family Television Viewing / Video Games in the Home / Software Applications for the Home / Tools for Communicating with Families