
Collaborating, Consulting, and Working in Teams for Students with Special Needs, 8th edition

  • Ann Knackendoffel
  • , Peggy Dettmer
  • , Linda P. Thurston

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1. Working Together in Collaboration, Consultation, and Teams
2. Working Together with Differing Perspectives and Preferences
3. Structuring Collaborative Foundations and Teamwork
4. Communicating Effectively for Collaboration and Teaming
5. Using the Problem-Solving Process in Collaborative School Consultation and Teamwork
6. Using Tools for Organizing, Managing and Evaluating Collaboration
7. Collaborating as Instructional Partners and Teams
8. Building Collaborative Relationships with Team Members from Diverse Populations and Contexts
9. Engaging Families in Home-School Collaborations and Partnerships
10. Working in Collaborative Teams with Paraeducators
11. Collaborating through Leadership, Advocacy, and Community Partnerships
12. Charting Your Course for Collaborative School Consultation