
Making Content Comprehensible for Secondary English Learners: The SIOP Model, 3rd edition

  • Jana Echevarria
  • , MaryEllen Vogt
  • , Deborah J. Short

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Brief Table of Contents

1. Introducing the SIOP® Model
2. Lesson Preparation
3. Building Background
4. Comprehensible Input
5. Strategies
6. Interaction
7. Practice & Application
8. Lesson Delivery
9. Review & Assessment
10. Issues of Reading, RTI, and Special Education for English Learners
11. Effective Use of the SIOP Protocol
12. Frequently Asked Questions: Getting Started with the SIOP Model

Appendix A: SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol)
Appendix B: Lesson Plans
Appendix C: Research on the SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol) Model
Appendix D: SIOP Professional Development Resources


Detailed Table of Contents

1. Introducing the SIOP Model
Background on English Learners
Demographic Trends
Diverse Characteristics
School Reform, Standards, and Accountability
Achievement Gaps
Academic Language and Literacy
Research on Academic Language and Literacy
Role in Schooling
Effective Instructional Practice for English Learners: The SIOP Model
Content-based ESL and Sheltered Content Instruction
Research and Development of the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) Model
Effective SIOP Model Instruction
Implementing the SIOP Model
Discussion Questions

2. Lesson Preparation
SIOP Feature 1: Content Objectives Clearly Defined, Displayed, and Reviewed with Students
SIOP Feature 2: Language Objectives Clearly Defined, Displayed, and Reviewed with Students
Selecting and Writing Content and Language Objectives
SIOP Feature 3: Content Concepts Appropriate for Age and Educational Background Level of Students
SIOP Feature 4: Supplementary Materials Used to a High Degree, Making the Lesson Clear and Meaningful
SIOP Feature 5: Adaptation of Content to All Levels of Student Proficiency
SIOP Feature 6: Meaningful Activities That Integrate Lesson Concepts with Language Practice Opportunities for Reading, Writing, Listening, and/or Speaking
Teaching Ideas for Lesson Preparation
Differentiating Ideas for Multi-level Classes
Rating Lessons with the SIOP Protocol
The Lesson
Teaching Scenarios
Discussion of Lessons
Teaching with Technology
Discussion Questions

3. Building Background
SIOP Feature 7: Concepts Explicitly Linked to Students' Background Experiences
Something to Think About
SIOP Feature 8: Links Explicitly Made between Past Learning and New Concepts
SIOP Feature 9: Key Vocabulary Emphasized (e.g., introduced, written, repeated, and highlighted for students to see)
Academic Vocabulary
Word Consciousness
Teaching Academic Vocabulary
Teaching Ideas for Building Background
Differentiating Ideas for Multi-level Classes
The Lesson
Teaching Scenarios
Discussion of Lessons
Teaching with Technology
Discussion Questions

4. Comprehensible Input
SIOP Feature 10: Speech Appropriate for Students' Proficiency Levels
SIOP Feature 11: Clear Explanation of Academic Tasks
SIOP Feature 12: A Variety of Techniques Used to Make Content Concepts Clear
Teaching Ideas for Comprehensible Input
Differentiating Ideas for Multi-level Classes
The Lesson
Teaching Scenarios
Discussion of Lessons
Teaching with Technology
Discussion Questions

5. Strategies
SIOP Feature 13: Ample Opportunities Provided for Students to Use Learning Strategies
Things to Consider When Teaching Learning Strategies
SIOP Feature 14: Scaffolding Techniques Consistently Used, Assisting and Supporting Student Understanding
Three Types of Scaffolding
SIOP Feature 15: A Variety of Questions or Tasks That Promote Higher-Order Thinking Skills
Teaching Ideas for Strategies
Differentiating Ideas for Multi-level Classes
The Lesson
Teaching Scenarios
Discussion of Lessons
Teaching with Technology
Discussion Questions

6. Interaction
Typical Lesson
SIOP Lesson
SIOP Feature 16: Frequent Opportunities for Interaction and Discussion Between Teacher/Student and Among Students, Which Encourage Elaborated Responses About Lesson Concepts
Oral Language Development
SIOP Feature 17: Grouping Configurations Support Language and Content Objectives of the Lesson
SIOP Feature 18: Sufficient Wait Time for Student Responses Consistently Provided
SIOP Feature 19: Ample Opportunity for Students to Clarify Key Concepts in L1 as Needed with Aide, Peer, or L1 Text
Teaching Ideas for Interaction
Differentiating Ideas for Multi-level Classes
The Lesson
Teaching Scenarios
Discussion of Lessons
Teaching with Technology
Discussion Questions

7. Practice & Application
SIOP Feature 20: Hands-On Materials and/or Manipulatives Provided for Students to Practice Using New Content Knowledge in the Classroom
SIOP Feature 21: Activities Provided for Students to Apply Content and Language Knowledge
SIOP Feature 22: Activities Integrate All Language Skills
Teaching Ideas for Practice & Application
Differentiating Ideas for Multi-level Classes
The Lesson
Teaching Scenarios
Discussion of Lessons
Teaching with Technology
Discussion Questions

8. Lesson Delivery
SIOP Feature 23: Content Objectives Clearly Supported by Lesson Delivery
SIOP Feature 24: Language Objectives Clearly Supported by Lesson Delivery
SIOP Feature 25: Students Engaged Approximately 90% to 100% of the Period
SIOP Feature 26: Pacing of the Lesson Appropriate to Students' Ability Levels
Linking Lesson Preparation and Lesson Delivery
Teaching Ideas for Lesson Delivery
Differentiating Ideas for Multi-level Classes
The Lesson
Teaching Scenarios
Discussion of Lessons
Teaching with Technology
Discussion Questions

9. Review & Assessment
Classroom Context and the Review & Assessment Component
Formative and Summative Assessment
Informal Assessment
Formal Assessment
SIOP Feature 27: Comprehensive Review of Key Vocabulary
SIOP Feature 28: Comprehensive Review of Key Content Concepts
SIOP Feature 29: Regular Feedback Provided to Students on Their Output
SIOP Feature 30: Assessment of Student Comprehension and Learning of All Lesson Objectives Throughout the Lesson
Teaching Ideas for Review & Assessment
Differentiating Ideas for Multi-level Classes
The Lesson
Teaching Scenarios
Discussion of Lessons
Teaching with Technology
Discussion Questions

10. Issues of Reading, RTI, and Special Education for English Learners
Issues of Reading Development and Assessment
Estimating Students' Reading Levels
English Learners and the Common Core State Standards for Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking
Assisting Struggling Learners: Response to Intervention
Issues Related to Special Education
Special Education Services: When Are They Appropriate?
Search for Intervention Rather than Disability
Teaching Ideas for Students with Special Needs
Discussion Questions

11. Effective Use of the SIOP Protocol
Best Practice in Using the SIOP Protocol
Scoring and Interpreting the SIOP Protocol
Assigning Scores
Not Applicable (NA) Category
Calculating Scores
Using Non-Numeric Rating
Sample Lesson
Using SIOP Scores and Comments
Reliability and Validity of the SIOP
Discussion Questions

12. Frequently Asked Questions: Getting Started with the SIOP Model
General SIOP Questions
Questions About Getting Started with SIOP in the Classroom
Questions About School-wide Implementation of the SIOP Model

Appendix A: SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol)
Appendix B: Lesson Plans
Appendix C: Research on the SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol) Model
Appendix D: SIOP Professional Development Resources
