
Nutrition: From Science to You, 4th edition

  • Joan Salge Blake
  • , Kathy D. Munoz
  • , Stella Volpe

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Nutrition: From Science to You personalizes nutritional information, while retaining the scientific rigor needed for academic success. This approach helps you understand the science of nutrition and how to apply it in both your personal life and future career. Innovative pedagogical features aid study and review, illustrate key concepts, help you hone necessary academic skills, promote improved personal nutrition, highlight the importance of nutrition in overall health, and explore the insights of nutrition scientists and other professionals in the field of nutrition.

The 4th Edition is thoroughly updated to meet the needs of future nutrition and allied health professionals, covering inter-professional applications, emerging and high interest topics, and new dietary and nutrition guidelines.

Published by Pearson (September 15th 2020) - Copyright © 2019

ISBN-13: 9780135214237

Subject: Health & Kinesiology

Category: Majors Nutrition

  1. What Is Nutrition?
  2. Tools for Healthy Eating
  3. Digestion, Absorption, and Transport
  4. Carbohydrates
  5. Lipids
  6. Proteins
  7. Alcohol
  8. Energy Metabolism
  9. Fat-Soluble Vitamins
  10. Water-Soluble Vitamins
  11. Water
  12. Major Minerals
  13. Trace Minerals
  14. Energy Balance and Body Composition
  15. Weight Management
  16. Nutrition and Fitness
  17. Life Cycle Nutrition: Pregnancy Through Infancy
  18. Life Cycle Nutrition: Toddlers Through Adolescence
  19. Life Cycle Nutrition: Older Adults
  20. Food Safety, Technology, and Sustainability
  21. Global Nutrition and Malnutrition


  1. Metabolism Pathways and Biochemical Structures
  2. Calculations and Conversions
  3. US Exchange Lists for Meal Planning
  4. Organizations and Resources