Elementary Surveying: An Introduction to Geomatics, 16th edition
- Charles D. Ghilani
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Elementary Surveying Geomatics presents basic concepts in each fundamental area of modern surveying (geomatics) practice. While introductory, its depth and breadth also make it ideal for self-study and preparing for your licensing examination. It includes more than 400 figures and illustrations to help clarify discussions. Extensive end-of-chapter problems give you opportunities to review and apply what you've learned.
The 16th Edition is updated to provide a state-of-the-art presentation of surveying equipment and procedures. Rewritten end-of-chapter problems illustrate computational procedures. It also includes new discussions of GNSS precise point positioning, small unmanned aerial systems, new datums and more.
Published by Pearson (May 5th 2021) - Copyright © 2022
ISBN-13: 9780137453740
Subject: Civil Engineering
Category: Surveying
- Introduction
- 1.1 Definition of Surveying
- 1.2 Geomatics
- 1.3 History of Surveying
- 1.4 Geodetic and Plane Surveys
- 1.5 Importance of Surveying
- 1.6 Specialized Types of Surveys
- 1.7 Surveying Safety
- 1.8 Land and Geographic Information Systems
- 1.9 Federal Surveying and Mapping Agencies
- 1.10 The Surveying Profession
- 1.11 Professional Surveying Organizations
- 1.12 Surveying on the Internet
- 1.13 Future Challenges in Surveying
- Units, Significant Figures, and Field Notes
- Part I: Units and Significant Figures
- 2.1 Introduction
- 2.2 Units of Measurement
- 2.3 International System of Units (SI)
- 2.4 Significant Figures
- 2.5 Rounding Off Numbers
- Part II: Field Notes
- 2.6 Field Notes
- 2.7 General Requirements of Handwritten Field Notes
- 2.8 Types of Field Books
- 2.9 Kinds of Notes
- 2.10 Arrangements of Notes
- 2.11 Suggestions for Recording Notes
- 2.12 Introduction to Survey Controllers
- 2.13 Transfer of Files from Survey Controllers
- 2.14 Digital Data File Management
- 2.15 Advantages and Disadvantages of Survey Controllers
- Theory of Errors in Observations
- 3.1 Introduction
- 3.2 Direct and Indirect Observations
- 3.3 Errors in Measurements
- 3.4 Mistakes
- 3.5 Sources of Errors in Making Observations
- 3.6 Types of Errors
- 3.7 Precision and Accuracy
- 3.8 Eliminating Mistakes and Systematic Errors
- 3.9 Probability
- 3.10 Most Probable Value
- 3.11 Residuals
- 3.12 Occurrence of Random Errors
- 3.13 General Laws of Probability
- 3.14 Measures of Precision
- 3.15 Interpretation of Standard Deviation
- 3.16 The 50%, 90%, and 95% Errors
- 3.17 Error Propagation
- 3.18 Applications
- 3.19 Conditional Adjustment of Observations
- 3.20 Weights of Observations
- 3.21 Least-Squares Adjustment
- Leveling — Theory, Methods, and Equipment
- Part I: Leveling — Theory and Methods
- 4.1 Introduction
- 4.2 Definitions
- 4.3 North American Vertical Datum
- 4.4 Curvature and Refraction
- 4.5 Methods for Determining Differences in Elevation
- Part II: Equipment for Differential Leveling
- 4.6 Categories of Levels
- 4.7 Telescopes
- 4.8 Level Vials
- 4.9 Tilting Levels
- 4.10 Automatic Levels
- 4.11 Digital Levels
- 4.12 Tripods
- 4.13 Hand Levels
- 4.14 Level Rods
- 4.15 Turning Points
- 4.16 Testing and Adjusting Levels
- Leveling — Field Procedures and Computations
- 5.1 Introduction
- 5.2 Carrying and Setting Up a Level
- 5.3 Duties of a Rod Person
- 5.4 Differential Leveling
- 5.5 Precision
- 5.6 Adjustments of Simple Level Circuits
- 5.7 Reciprocal Leveling
- 5.8 Three-Wire Leveling
- 5.9 Profile Leveling
- 5.10 Grid, Cross-Section, or Borrow-Pit Leveling
- 5.11 Use of the Hand Level
- 5.12 Sources of Error in Leveling
- 5.13 Mistakes
- 5.14 Reducing Errors and Eliminating Mistakes
- 5.15 Using Software
- Distance Measurement
- Part I: Methods for Measuring Distances
- 6.1 Introduction
- 6.2 Summary of Methods for Making Linear Measurements
- 6.3 Pacing
- 6.4 Odometer Readings
- 6.5 Optical Rangefinders
- 6.6 Tacheometry
- 6.7 Subtense Bar
- Part II: Distance Measurements by Taping
- 6.8 Introduction to Taping
- 6.9 Taping Equipment and Accessories
- 6.10 Care of Taping Equipment
- 6.11 Taping on Level Ground
- 6.12 Horizontal Measurements on Sloping Ground
- 6.13 Slope Measurements
- 6.14 Sources of Error in Taping
- Part III: Electronic Distance Measurement
- 6.15 Introduction
- 6.16 Propagation of Electromagnetic Energy
- 6.17 Principles of Electronic Distance Measurement
- 6.18 Electro-Optical Instruments
- 6.19 Total Station Instruments
- 6.20 EDM Instruments Without Reflectors
- 6.21 Computing Horizontal Lengths from Slope Distances
- 6.22 Errors in Electronic Distance Measurement
- 6.23 Using Software
- Angles, Azimuths, and Bearings
- 7.1 Introduction
- 7.2 Units of Angle Measurement
- 7.3 Kinds of Horizontal Angles
- 7.4 Direction of a Line
- 7.5 Azimuths
- 7.6 Bearings
- 7.7 Comparison of Azimuths and Bearings
- 7.8 Computing Azimuths
- 7.9 Computing Bearings
- 7.10 The Compass and the Earth's Magnetic Field
- 7.11 Magnetic Declination
- 7.12 Variations in Magnetic Declination
- 7.13 Software for Determining Magnetic Declination
- 7.14 Local Attraction
- 7.15 Typical Magnetic Declination Problems
- 7.16 Mistakes
- Total Station Instruments; Angle Observations
- PART I: Total Station Instruments
- 8.1 Introduction
- 8.2 Characteristics of Total Station Instruments
- 8.3 Functions Performed by Total Station Instruments
- 8.4 Parts of a Total Station Instrument
- 8.5 Handling and Setting up a Total Station Instrument
- 8.6 Servo-Driven and Remotely Operated Total Station Instruments
- PART II: Angle Observations
- 8.7 Relationship of Angles and Distances
- 8.8 Observing Horizontal Angles with Total Station Instruments
- 8.9 Observing Multiple Horizontal Angles by the Direction Method
- 8.10 Closing the Horizon
- 8.11 Observing Deflection Angles
- 8.12 Observing Azimuths
- 8.13 Observing Vertical Angles
- 8.14 Sights and Marks
- 8.15 Prolonging a Straight Line
- 8.16 Balancing-in
- 8.17 Random Traverse
- 8.18 Total Stations for Determining Elevation Differences
- 8.19 Adjustment of Total Station Instruments and their Accessories
- 8.20 Sources of Error in Total Station Work
- 8.21 Propagation of Random Errors in Angle Observations
- 8.22 Mistakes
- Traversing
- 9.1 Introduction
- 9.2 Observation of Traverse Angles or Directions
- 9.3 Observation of Traverse Lengths
- 9.4 Selection of Traverse Stations
- 9.5 Referencing Traverse Stations
- 9.6 Traverse Field Notes
- 9.7 Angle Misclosure
- 9.8 Traversing with Total Station Instruments
- 9.9 Radial Traversing
- 9.10 Sources of Error in Traversing
- 9.11 Mistakes in Traversing
- Traverse Computations
- 10.1 Introduction
- 10.2 Balancing Angles
- 10.3 Computation of Preliminary Azimuths or Bearings
- 10.4 Departures and Latitudes
- 10.5 Departure and Latitude Closure Conditions
- 10.6 Traverse Linear Misclosure and Relative Precision
- 10.7 Traverse Adjustment
- 10.8 Rectangular Coordinates
- 10.9 Alternative Methods for Making Traverse Computations
- 10.10 Inversing
- 10.11 Computing Final Adjusted Traverse Lengths and Directions
- 10.12 Coordinate Computations in Boundary Surveys
- 10.13 Use of Open Traverses
- 10.14 State Plane Coordinate Systems
- 10.15 Traverse Computations using Computers
- 10.16 Locating Blunders in Traverse Observations
- 10.17 Mistakes in Traverse Computations
- Coordinate Geometry in Surveying Calculations
- 11.1 Introduction
- 11.2 Coordinate Forms of Equations for Lines and Circles
- 11.3 Perpendicular Distance from a Point to a Line
- 11.4 Intersection of Two Lines, Both Having Known Directions
- 11.5 Intersection of a Line with a Circle
- 11.6 Intersection of Two Circles
- 11.7 Three-Point Resection
- 11.8 Two-Dimensional Conformal Coordinate Transformation
- 11.9 Inaccessible Point Problem
- 11.10 Three-Dimensional Two-Point Resection
- 11.11 Software
- Area
- 12.1 Introduction
- 12.2 Methods of Measuring Area
- 12.3 Area by Division into Simple Figures
- 12.4 Area by Offsets from Straight Lines
- 12.5 Area by Coordinates
- 12.6 Area by Double-Meridian Distance Method
- 12.7 Area of Parcels with Circular Boundaries
- 12.8 Partitioning of Lands
- 12.9 Area by Measurements from Maps
- 12.10 Software
- 12.11 Sources of Error in Determining Areas
- 12.12 Mistakes in Determining Areas
- Global Navigation Satellite Systems — Introduction and Principles of Operation
- 13.1 Introduction
- 13.2 Overview of GPS
- 13.3 The GPS Signal
- 13.4 Reference Coordinate Systems
- 13.5 Fundamentals of Satellite Positioning
- 13.6 Errors in Observations
- 13.7 Differential Positioning
- 13.8 Kinematic Methods
- 13.9 Relative Positioning
- 13.10 Other Satellite Navigation Systems
- 13.11 The Future
- Global Navigation Satellite Systems — Static Surveys
- 14.1 Introduction
- 14.2 Field Procedures in Static GNSS Surveys
- 14.3 Planning Satellite Surveys
- 14.4 Performing Static Surveys
- 14.5 Data Processing and Analysis
- 14.6 Things to Consider
- 14.7 A Method for Obtaining Orthometric Height Differences Using GNSS
- 14.8 Sources of Errors in Satellite Surveys
- 14.9 Mistakes in Satellite Surveys
- Global Navigation Satellite Systems — Kinematic Surveys
- 15.1 Introduction
- 15.2 Planning of Kinematic Surveys
- 15.3 Initialization Techniques
- 15.4 Equipment Used in Kinematic Surveys
- 15.5 Methods Used in Kinematic Surveys
- 15.6 Performing Post-Processed Kinematic Surveys
- 15.7 Communication in Real-Time Kinematic Surveys
- 15.8 Real-Time Networks
- 15.9 Performing Real-Time Kinematic Surveys
- 15.10 Machine Guidance and Control
- 15.11 Errors in Kinematic Surveys
- 15.12 Mistakes in Kinematic Surveys
- Adjustments by Least Squares
- 16.1 Introduction
- 16.2 Fundamental Condition of Least Squares
- 16.3 Least-Squares Adjustment by the Observation Equation Method
- 16.4 Matrix Methods in Least-Squares Adjustment
- 16.5 Matrix Equations for Precisions of Adjusted Quantities
- 16.6 Least-Squares Adjustment of Leveling Circuits
- 16.7 Propagation of Errors
- 16.8 Least-Squares Adjustment of GNSS Baseline Vectors
- 16.9 Least-Squares Adjustment of Conventional Horizontal Plane Surveys
- 16.10 The Error Ellipse
- 16.11 Adjustment Procedures
- 16.12 Other Measures of Precision for Horizontal Stations
- 16.13 Software
- 16.14 Conclusions
- Mapping Surveys
- 17.1 Introduction
- 17.2 Basic Methods for Performing Mapping Surveys
- 17.3 Map Scale
- 17.4 Control for Mapping Surveys
- 17.5 Contours
- 17.6 Characteristics of Contours
- 17.7 Method of Locating Contours
- 17.8 Digital Elevation Models and Automated Contouring Systems
- 17.9 Basic Field Methods for Locating Topographic Details
- 17.10 Planning a Laser-Scanning Survey
- 17.11 Three-Dimensional Conformal Coordinate Transformation
- 17.12 Selection of Field Method
- 17.13 Working with Survey Controllers and Field-to-Finish Software
- 17.14 Hydrographic Surveys
- 17.15 Sources of Error in Mapping Surveys
- 17.16 Mistakes in Mapping Surveys
- Mapping
- 18.1 Introduction
- 18.2 Availability of Maps and Related Information
- 18.3 National Mapping Program
- 18.4 Accuracy Standards for Mapping
- 18.5 Manual and Computer-Aided Drafting Procedures
- 18.6 Map Design
- 18.7 Map Layout
- 18.8 Basic Map Plotting Procedures
- 18.9 Contour Interval
- 18.10 Plotting Contours
- 18.11 Lettering
- 18.12 Cartographic Map Elements
- 18.13 Drafting Materials
- 18.14 Automated Mapping and Computer-Aided Drafting Systems
- 18.15 Migrating Maps between Software Packages
- 18.16 Impacts of Modern Land and Geographic Information Systems on Mapping
- 18.17 The Importance of Metadata
- 18.18 Sources of Error in Mapping
- 18.19 Mistakes in Mapping
- Control Surveys and GeodetIc Reductions
- 19.1 Introduction
- 19.2 The Ellipsoid and Geoid
- 19.3 The Conventional Terrestrial Pole
- 19.4 Geodetic Position and Ellipsoidal Radii of Curvature
- 19.5 Geoid Undulation and Deflection of the Vertical
- 19.6 U.S. Reference Frames
- 19.7 Transforming Coordinates Between Reference Frames
- 19.8 Accuracy Standards and Specifications for Control Surveys
- 19.9 The National Spatial Reference System
- 19.10 Hierarchy of the National Horizontal Control Network
- 19.11 Hierarchy of the National Vertical Control Network
- 19.12 Control Point Descriptions
- 19.13 Field Procedures for Conventional Horizontal Control Surveys
- 19.14 Field Procedures for Vertical-Control Surveys
- 19.15 Reduction of Field Observations to their Geodetic Values
- 19.16 Geodetic Position Computations
- 19.17 The Local Geodetic Coordinate System
- 19.18 Three-Dimensional Coordinate Computations
- 19.19 Software
- State Plane Coordinates and Other Map Projections
- 20.1 Introduction
- 20.2 Projections Used in State Plane Coordinate Systems
- 20.3 Lambert Conformal Conic Projection
- 20.4 Transverse Mercator Projection
- 20.5 State Plane Coordinates in NAD 27 and NAD 83
- 20.6 Computing SPCS 83 Coordinates in the Lambert Conformal Conic System
- 20.7 Computing SPCS 83 Coordinates in the Transverse Mercator System
- 20.8 Reduction of Distances and Angles to State Plane Coordinate Grids
- 20.9 Computing State Plane Coordinates of Traverse Stations
- 20.10 Surveys Extending from One Zone to Another
- 20.11 The Universal Transverse Mercator Projection
- 20.12 Other Map Projections
- 20.13 Ground Versus Grid Problem
- 20.14 Proposed Changes to SPCS in 2022
- 20.15 Map Projection Software
- Boundary Surveys
- 21.1 Introduction
- 21.2 Categories of Land Surveys
- 21.3 Historical Perspectives
- 21.4 Property Description by Metes and Bounds
- 21.5 Property Description by Block-and-Lot System
- 21.6 Property Description by Coordinates
- 21.7 Retracement Surveys
- 21.8 Subdivision Surveys
- 21.9 Partitioning Land
- 21.10 Registration of Title
- 21.11 Adverse Possession and Easements
- 21.12 Condominium Surveys
- 21.13 Geographic and Land Information Systems
- 21.14 Sources of Error in Boundary Surveys
- 21.15 Mistakes
- Surveys of the Public Lands
- 22.1 Introduction
- 22.2 Instructions for Surveys of the Public Lands
- 22.3 Initial Point
- 22.4 Principal Meridian
- 22.5 Baseline
- 22.6 Standard Parallels (Correction Lines)
- 22.7 Guide Meridians
- 22.8 Township Exteriors, Meridional (Range) Lines, and Latitudinal (Township) Lines
- 22.9 Designation of Townships
- 22.10 Subdivision of a Quadrangle into Townships
- 22.11 Subdivision of a Township into Sections
- 22.12 Subdivision of Sections
- 22.13 Fractional Sections
- 22.14 Notes
- 22.15 Outline of Subdivision Steps
- 22.16 Marking Corners
- 22.17 Witness Corners
- 22.18 Meander Corners
- 22.19 Lost and Obliterated Corners
- 22.20 Accuracy of Public Land Surveys
- 22.21 Descriptions by Township Section, and Smaller Subdivision
- 22.22 BLM Land Information System
- 22.23 Sources of Error
- 22.24 Mistakes
- Construction Surveys
- 23.1 Introduction
- 23.2 Specialized Equipment for Construction Surveys
- 23.3 Horizontal and Vertical Control
- 23.4 Staking Out a Pipeline
- 23.5 Staking Pipeline Grades
- 23.6 Computing the Bend Angles in Pipelines
- 23.7 Staking Out a Building
- 23.8 Staking Out Highways
- 23.9 Other Construction Surveys
- 23.10 Construction Surveys Using Total Station Instruments
- 23.11 Construction Surveys Using GNSS Equipment
- 23.12 Machine Guidance and Control
- 23.13 As-built Surveys with Laser Scanning
- 23.14 Sources of Error in Construction Surveys
- 23.15 Mistakes
- Horizontal Curves
- 24.1 Introduction
- 24.2 Degree of Circular Curve
- 24.3 Definitions and Derivation of Circular Curve Formulas
- 24.4 Circular Curve Stationing
- 24.5 General Procedure of Circular Curve Layout by Deflection Angles
- 24.6 Computing Deflection Angles and Chords
- 24.7 Notes for Circular Curve Layout by Deflection Angles and Incremental Chords
- 24.8 Detailed Procedures for Circular Curve Layout by Deflection Angles and Incremental Chords
- 24.9 Setups on Curve
- 24.10 Metric Circular Curves by Deflection Angles and Incremental Chords
- 24.11 Circular Curve Layout by Deflection Angles and Total Chords
- 24.12 Computation of Coordinates on a Circular Curve
- 24.13 Circular Curve Layout by Coordinates
- 24.14 Curve Stakeout Using GNSS Receivers and Robotic Total Stations
- 24.15 Circular Curve Layout by Offsets
- 24.16 Special Circular Curve Problems
- 24.17 Compound and Reverse Curves
- 24.18 Sight Distance on Horizontal Curves
- 24.19 Spirals
- 24.20 Computation of “As-Built” Circular Alignments
- 24.21 Sources of Error in Laying Out Circular Curves
- 24.22 Mistakes
- Vertical Curves
- 25.1 Introduction
- 25.2 General Equation of a Vertical Parabolic Curve
- 25.3 Equation of an Equal Tangent Vertical Parabolic Curve
- 25.4 High or Low Point on a Vertical Curve
- 25.5 Vertical Curve Computations Using the Tangent-Offset Equation
- 25.6 Equal Tangent Property of a Parabola
- 25.7 Curve Computations by Proportion
- 25.8 Staking a Vertical Parabolic Curve
- 25.9 Machine Control in Grading Operations
- 25.10 Computations for an Unequal Tangent Vertical Curve
- 25.11 Designing a Curve to Pass Through a Fixed Point
- 25.12 Sight Distance
- 25.13 Sources of Error in Laying out Vertical Curves
- 25.14 Mistakes
- Volumes
- 26.1 Introduction
- 26.2 Methods of Volume Measurement
- 26.3 The Cross-Section Method
- 26.4 Types of Cross Sections
- 26.5 Average-End-Area Formula
- 26.6 Determining End Areas
- 26.7 Computing Slope Intercepts
- 26.8 Prismoidal Formula
- 26.9 Volume Computations
- 26.10 Unit-Area, or Borrow-Pit, Method
- 26.11 Contour-Area Method
- 26.12 Measuring Volumes of Water Discharge
- 26.13 Software
- 26.14 Sources of Error in Determining Volumes
- 26.15 Mistakes
- Photogrammetry
- 27.1 Introduction
- 27.2 Uses of Photogrammetry
- 27.3 Aerial Cameras
- 27.4 Types of Aerial Photographs
- 27.5 Vertical Aerial Photographs
- 27.6 Scale of a Vertical Photograph
- 27.7 Ground Coordinates from a Single Vertical Photograph
- 27.8 Relief Displacement on a Vertical Photograph
- 27.9 Flying Height of a Vertical Photograph
- 27.10 Stereoscopic Parallax
- 27.11 Stereoscopic Viewing
- 27.12 Stereoscopic Measurement of Parallax
- 27.13 Analytical Photogrammetry
- 27.14 Stereoscopic Plotting Instruments
- 27.15 Orthophotos
- 27.16 Ground Control for Photogrammetry
- 27.17 Flight Planning
- 27.18 Airborne Laser-Mapping Systems
- 27.19 Remote Sensing
- 27.20 Software
- 27.21 Sources of Error in Photogrammetry
- 27.22 Mistakes
- Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
- 28.1 Introduction
- 28.2 Land Information Systems
- 28.3 GIS Data Sources and Classifications
- 28.4 Spatial Data
- 28.5 Nonspatial Data
- 28.6 Data Format Conversions
- 28.7 Creating GIS Databases
- 28.8 Metadata
- 28.9 GIS Analytical Functions
- 28.10 GIS Applications
- 28.11 Data Sources
- A. Tape Correction Problems
- B. Example Noteforms
- C. Astronomic Observations
- D. Using the Worksheets from the Companion Website
- E. Introduction to Matrices
- F. U.S. State Plane Coordinate System Defining Parameters
- G. Answers to Selected Problems
- H. Commonly Used Conversions and Abbreviations