American Journey, The: A History of the United States, Combined Volume, 8th edition
- David Goldfield
- , Carl Abbott
- , Virginia Anderson
- , Jo Ann E. Argersinger
- , Peter H. Argersinger
- , William M. Barney
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The American Journey: A History of the United States traces the geographical, ideological, political and social journeys that make up the American experience. Harnessing the stories of individuals from different eras, the authors present a clear, compelling narrative that makes American history accessible.
The 8th Edition continues to show that our attempt to live up to our American ideals is an ongoing journey that has become increasingly more inclusive of different groups and ideas. The rich visual program has been enhanced to be more interesting and informative. Photographs and pieces of fine art encapsulate emotional and historical meaning. Captions provide valuable information that allows for a fuller understanding of the people who lived the American journey.
Published by Pearson (June 11th 2021) - Copyright © 2017
ISBN-13: 9780137497393
Subject: History
Category: United States History Survey
- Worlds Apart
- Transplantation and Adaptation, 1600 to 1685
- A Meeting of Cultures
- English Colonies in an Age of Empire, 1660s to 1763
- Imperial Breakdown, 1763 to 1774
- The War for Independence, 1774 to 1783
- The First Republic, 1776 to 1789
- A New Republic and the Rise of Parties, 1789 to 1800
- The Triumph and Collapse of Jeffersonian Republicanism, 1800 to 1824
- The Jacksonian Era, 1824 to 1845
- Slavery and the Old South, 1800 to 1860
- The Market Revolution and Social Reform, 1815 to 1850
- The Way West, 1815 to 1850
- The Politics of Sectionalism, 1846 to 1861
- Battle Cries and Freedom Songs: The Civil War, 1861 to 1865
- Reconstruction, 1865 to 1877
- A New South: Economic Progress and Social Tradition, 1877 to 1900
- Industry, Immigrants and Cities, 1870 to 1900
- Transforming the West, 1865 to 1890
- Politics and Government, 1877 to 1900
- The Progressive Era, 1900 to 1917
- Creating an Empire, 1865 to 1917
- America and the Great War, 1914 to 1920
- Toward a Modern America: The 1920s
- The Great Depression and the New Deal, 1929 to 1939
- World War II, 1939 to 1945
- The Cold War at Home and Abroad, 1946 to 1952
- The Confident Years, 1953 to 1964
- Shaken to the Roots, 1965 to 1980
- The Reagan Revolution and a Changing World, 1981 to 1992
- Complacency, Crisis and Global Reengagement, 1993 to 2015
- A Nation Divided, 2016 to 2022