Writer's Handbook, The, 6th edition
- Lester Faigley
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The Writer's Handbook (formerly The Brief Penguin Handbook) applies the fundamentals of good writing to a modern world. The text teaches the qualities of good writing that remain timeless even in the face of rapid digital change. Building on his experiences as a writing teacher, Faigley emphasizes clarity, brevity, readability, consistency and effective design. Accurate documentation, freedom from errors and the ability to capture a human voice are also emphasized as essential.
The 6th Edition is designed to help you find the right information at the right time, without overwhelming you with unnecessary detail. Complicated subjects are broken down into processes that will empower you to develop and effectively employ critical skills in your writing.
Published by Pearson (July 14th 2021) - Copyright © 2018
ISBN-13: 9780137499137
Subject: Composition
Category: Handbooks
Part 1: Planning, Drafting, and Revising
- Think as a Writer
- Plan and Draft
- Compose Paragraphs
- Rewrite, Edit, and Proofread
Part 2: Analyzing, Informing, Arguing
- Read with a Critical Eye
- View with a Critical Eye
- Write an Analysis
- Write an Informative Essay
- Write a Position Argument
- Write a Proposal Argument
Part 3: Writing in the Disciplines
- Write About Literature and the Humanities
- Write in the Sciences and Social Sciences
- Compose for the Workplace
Part 4: Multimedia And Online Composing
- Communicate in Multimedia
- Design Presentations
- Compose in Online Genres
Part 5: Planning Research and Finding Sources
- Plan Your Research
- Find Sources
- Evaluate Sources
- Plan Field Research
Part 6: Incorporating and Documenting Sources
- Use Sources Effectively and Avoid Plagiarism
- Write and Revise the Research Project
Part 7: Effective Style and Language
- Write with Power
- Write Concisely
- Write with Emphasis
- Find the Right Words
- Write to Be Inclusive
Part 8: Understanding Grammar
- Grammar Basics
- Fragments, Run-ons, and Comma Splices
- Subject-Verb Agreement
- Verbs
- Pronouns
- Modifiers
Part 9: Understanding Punctuation And Mechanics
- Commas
- Semicolons and Colons
- Hyphens
- Dashes and Parentheses
- Apostrophes
- Quotation Marks
- Other Punctuation Marks
- Write with Accurate Spelling
- Capitalization and Italics
- Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Numbers
Part 10: If English Is Not Your First Language
- Writing in a Second Language
- Nouns, Articles, and Prepositions
- Verbs
- English Sentence Structure