Part I: The Measurement and Assessment Process
1. Educational Testing and Assessment. Context, Issues, and Trends
2. The Role of Measurement and Assessment in Teaching
3. Instructional Goals and Objectives. Foundation for Assessment
4. Validity
5. Reliability and Other Desired Characteristics
Part II: Classroom Tests and Assessments
6. Planning Classroom Tests and Assessments
7. Constructing Objective Test Items. Simple Forms
8. Constructing Objective Test Items. Multiple Choice Forms
9. Measuring Complex Achievement. The Interpretive Exercise
10. Measuring Complex Achievement. Essay Questions
11. Measuring Complex Achievement. Performance-Based Assessments
12. Portfolios
13. Assessment Procedures. Observational Techniques, Peer Appraisal, and Self-Report
14. Assembling, Administering, and Appraising Classroom Tests and Assessments
15. Grading and Reporting
Part III. Selecting and Using Published Tests
16. Achievement Tests
17. Aptitude Tests
18. Test Selection, Administration, and Use
19. Interpreting Test Scores and Norms
A. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives
B. Content Standards
C. Elementary Statistics
D. Relating Assessment Procedures to Instructional Objectives
E. Selected Published Tests
F. Test Publishers
G. Standards for Teacher Competence in Educational Assessment of Students
H. Professional Journals for Locating Measurement and Assessment Articles