Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum, 14th edition

  • Laurence Behrens, 
  • Leonard J. Rosen

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Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum will guide you through essential college-level writing skills, such as summary, critique, synthesis, analysis and research. A best-selling interdisciplinary composition resource for over 35 years, the text develops writing skills suitable for any major. It provides step-by-step instruction in writing papers based on source materials and includes exercises bridging the gap between reading and writing. An anthology provides cross-disciplinary readings on topics that overlap with content from the humanities, sciences and social sciences.

The 14th Edition is a major revision, providing new topics, readings and content on writing and argumentation that address the issues and interests of readers today.

Published by Pearson (July 14th 2021) - Copyright © 2019

ISBN-13: 9780137529315

Subject: Composition

Category: Writing Across the Curriculum


  • An Introduction to Thinking and Writing in College
    • Defining Academic Thinking and Writing
    • Cultivating Intellectual Curiosity
    • Exploring Similarities and Differences
    • Arguing with Logic and Evidence
    • Challenging Arguments
    • Communicating Critical Thinking Through Writing


  1. Summary, Paraphrase, and Quotation
    • Previewing to Understand the Author’s Purpose
    • Exercise 1.1 Previewing a Paragraph
      • External Enhancements of Memory May Soon Go High-Tech–Jyutika Mehta
    • Forming a Preliminary Understanding of Topic and Purpose
    • Rereading for Content and Structure
      • How Brains Remember
    • Exercise 1.2 Marking Up a Passage
      • Critical Reading for Summary
    • Summarizing and Paraphrasing Parts of Sources
      • When to Summarize and Paraphrase
    • Summarizing Parts of Sources
    • Can a Summary Be Objective?
    • Paraphrasing Parts of Sources
    • Summarizing Entire Works
      • Guidelines for Writing Summaries
    • Read, Reread, and Highlight
    • Divide into Stages of Thought and Write a Brief Summary of Each Stage of Thought
    • Write a Thesis: A Brief Summary of the Entire Passage
    • Write Your Summary
    • Write a One- or Two-Sentence Summary
    • Write a Middle-Length Summary
    • Write an Expanded Summary
      • Where Do We Find Written Summaries?
    • Summarizing Challenging Sources
      • Reading and Summarizing Challenging Sources
    • Demonstration Summary of Paul Bloom’s “The Baby in the Well”
      • The Baby in the Well: The Case Against Empathy–Paul Bloom
    • Write a Brief Summary of Each Stage of Thought
    • Write a Thesis: A Brief Summary of the Entire Passage
    • Write a Draft by Combining Thesis, Section Summaries, and Selected Details
    • Summarizing Graphs, Charts, and Tables
    • Bar Graphs
    • Exercise 1.3 Summarizing Graphs
    • Line Graphs
    • Exercise 1.4 Summarizing Line Graphs
    • Pie Charts
    • Exercise 1.5 Summarizing Pie Charts
    • Other Charts: Bubble Maps, Pictograms, and Interactive Charts
    • Tables
    • Exercise 1.6 Summarizing Tables
    • Choosing Quotations
      • When to Quote
    • Quote Memorable Language
    • Quote Clear, Concise Language
    • Quote Authoritative Language
    • Altering Quotations
    • Use Ellipses to Indicate Omissions
    • Use Brackets to add or Substitute Words
    • Avoiding Classic Mistakes in Quoting
    • Avoid Quoting Too Much
      • Quote Only What You Need
    • Avoid Freestanding Quotations
    • Understand When to Use First and Last Names
    • Don’t Introduce Well-Known Names
    • Exercise 1.7 Incorporating Quotations
    • Using Signal Phrases
      • Signal Verbs to Introduce Quotations, Summaries, and Paraphrases
      • Signal Verbs and Tense
    • Six Strategies for Using Signal Phrases (or Sentences)
      1. Identifying Phrase at the Beginning
      2. Identifying Phrase in the Middle
      3. Identifying Phrase at the End
      4. Reference to a Source Preceded by That
      5. Identifying Sentence at the Beginning–With a Colon
      6. Block Quotation
        • Incorporating Quotations into Your Sentences
    • Exercise 1.8 Summarizing, Paraphrasing, and Quoting a Brief Passage
      • How to Use Sources to Build Paragraphs
    • Avoiding Plagiarism
      • Rules for Avoiding Plagiarism
  2. Critical Reading and Critique
    • Critical Reading
    • Question 1: To What Extent Does the Author Succeed in His or Her Purpose?
    • Writing to Inform
    • Evaluating Informative Writing
    • Accuracy of Information
      • Web Sites and the Trust Factor: Know What Sort of Site You’re On
    • Significance of Information
    • Fair Interpretation of Information
    • Writing to Persuade
    • Exercise 2.1 Informative and Persuasive Thesis Statements
    • Evaluating Persuasive Writing
      • Consumer Watchdog
      • Americans Shouldn’t Demand a “Right to Be Forgotten: Online—Washington Post
      • The Right to Bury the (Online) Past—Liza Tucker
    • Exercise 2.2 Critical Reading Practice
    • Persuasive Strategies
    • Clearly Defined Terms
    • Fair Use of Information
    • Logical Argumentation: Avoiding Logical Fallacies
    • Emotionally Loaded Terms
    • Ad Hominem Argument
    • Faulty Cause and Effect
    • Either/or Reasoning
      • Tone
    • Hasty Generalization
    • False Analogy
    • Begging the Question
    • Non Sequitur
    • Oversimplification
    • Exercise 2.3 Understanding Logical Fallacies
    • Writing to Entertain
    • Question 2: To What Extent Do You Agree with the Author?
    • Identify Points of Agreement and Disagreement
    • Exercise 2.4 Exploring Your Viewpoints—in Three Paragraphs
    • Explore Reasons for Agreement and Disagreement: Evaluate Assumptions
    • Inferring and Implying Assumptions
    • Determining the Validity of Assumptions
    • Critique
    • How to Write Critiques
      • Guidelines for Writing Critiques
    • Demonstration: Critique
      • Model Critique: Critique of “The Right to Bury the (Online) Past” by Liza Tucker—Ethel Weiss
    • Exercise 2.5 Informal Critique of the Model Critique
      • Critical Reading for Critique
  3. Thesis, Introduction, and Conclusion
    • Writing a Thesis
    • The Components of a Thesis
    • Making an Assertion
    • Starting with a Working Thesis
    • Using the Thesis to Plan a Structure
      • How Ambitious Should Your Thesis Be?
    • Exercise 3.1 Drafting Thesis Statements
    • Introductions
    • Quotation
    • Historical Review
    • Review of a Controversy
    • From the General to the Specific
    • Anecdote and Illustration: From the Specific to the General
    • Question
    • Statement of Thesis
    • Exercise 3.2 Drafting Introductions
    • Conclusions
    • Summary (Plus)
    • Statement of the Subject’s Significance
    • Call for Further Research
    • Solution/Recommendation
    • Anecdote
    • Quotation
    • Question
    • Speculation
    • Exercise 3.3 Drafting Conclusions
  4. Explanatory Synthesis
    • What Is a Synthesis?
    • Using Summary and Critique as a Basis for Synthesis
    • Using Inference as a Basis for Synthesis: Moving Beyond Summary and Critique
    • Identifying Your Purpose
    • Example: Same Sources, Different Uses
      • Where Do We Find Written Syntheses?
    • Using Your Sources
    • Types of Syntheses: Explanatory and Argument
      • Seau Suffered from Brain Disease—Mary Pilon and Ken Belson
      • Concussion Problem Not Unique to U-M—The State News Editorial Board
    • How to Write Syntheses
      • Guidelines for Writing Syntheses
    • Writing an Explanatory Synthesis
    • Demonstration: Explanatory Synthesis—The “Idea” of Money
    • Exercise 4.1 Exploring the Topic
      • A Brief History of Money: Or, How We Learned to Stop Worrying and Embrace the Abstraction—James Surowiecki
      • Apple, Banks in Talks on Mobile Person-to- Person Payment Service—Robin Sidel and Daisuke Wakabayashi
    • Consider Your Purpose
    • Exercise 4.2 Critical Reading for Synthesis
    • Formulate a Thesis
    • Decide How You Will Use Your Source Material
    • Develop an Organizational Plan
      • Organize a Synthesis by Idea, Not by Source
    • Write Your Synthesis
      • Explanatory Synthesis: First Draft
    • Revise Your Synthesis
    • Exercise 4.3 Revising the Explanatory Synthesis
      • Model Explanatory Synthesis: The “Idea” of Money—Sheldon Kearney
      • Critical Reading for Synthesis
  5. Argument Synthesis
    • What Is an Argument Synthesis?
    • The Elements of Argument: Claim, Support, and Assumption
    • Exercise 5.1 Practicing Claim, Support, and Assumption
    • The Three Appeals of Argument: Logos, Ethos, Pathos
    • Logos
    • Deductive Reasoning
    • Inductive Reasoning
    • Maintaining a Critical Perspective
    • Exercise 5.2 Using Deductive and Inductive Logic
    • Ethos
    • Exercise 5.3 Using Ethos
    • Pathos
    • Exercise 5.4 Using Pathos
    • The Limits of Argument
    • Fruitful Topics for Argument
    • How to Write Argument Syntheses
    • Demonstration: Developing an Argument Synthesis—Responding to Bullies
      • Bullying Statistics—Pacer.org
      • The 2013 National School Climate Survey: The Experiences of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender
      • Youth in Our Nation’s Schools—Joseph G. Kosciw, Emily A. Greytak, Neal A. Palmer, and Madelyn J.
      • Boesen
      • Olweus Bullying Prevention Program
      • White House Report/Bullying—And the Power of Peers—Philip Rodkin
    • Exercise 5.5 Critical Reading for Synthesis
    • Consider Your Purpose
    • Making a Claim: Formulate a Thesis
    • Decide How You Will Use Your Source Material
    • Develop an Organizational Plan
    • Draft and Revise Your Synthesis
      • Model Argument Synthesis: Responding to Bullies—Peter Simmons
    • The Strategy of the Argument Synthesis
    • Developing and Organizing the Support for Your Arguments
    • Summarize, Paraphrase, and Quote Supporting Evidence
    • Provide Various Types of Evidence and Motivational Appeals
    • Use Climactic Order
    • Use Logical or Conventional Order
    • Present and Respond to Counterarguments
    • Use Concession
      • Developing and Organizing Support for Your Arguments
    • Avoid Common Fallacies in Developing and Using Support
    • The Comparison-and- Contrast Synthesis
    • Organizing Comparison-and- Contrast Syntheses
    • Organizing by Source or Subject
    • Organizing by Criteria
    • Exercise 5.6 Comparing and Contrasting
    • A Case for Comparison and Contrast: World War I and World War II
    • Comparison and Contrast Organized by Criteria
      • Model Exam Response
    • The Strategy of the Exam Response
    • Summary of Synthesis Chapters
  6. Analysis
    • What Is an Analysis?
      • Where Do We Find Written Analyses?
      • from The Invisible Addiction: Cell-Phone Activities and Addiction among Male and Female College Students—James A. Roberts, Luc Honore Petnji Yaya, and Chris Manolis
      • What’s in a Phone?—Jon Agar
    • Selecting and Using an Analytical Tool
    • Selecting the Analytical Tool
    • Using the Analytical Tool
    • Exercise 6.1 Using a Principle or Definition as a Tool for Analysis
    • Planning and Writing the Analysis Paper
    • Devising a Thesis
    • Developing the Paragraph-by- Paragraph Logic of Your Paper
    • Writing the Analysis Paper
      • Guidelines for Writing Analyses
    • Reviewing Your Analysis: Does It Pass Key Tests?
    • Have You Written a Summary Rather than an Analysis?
    • Is Your Analysis Systematic?
    • Have You Answered the “So What?” Question?
    • Have You Attributed Sources?
      • Critical Reading for Analysis
    • When Your Perspective Guides the Analysis
    • Exercise 6.2 Planning an Analysis
    • Demonstration: Analysis
      • Model Analysis: The Case of the Missing Kidney: An Analysis of Rumor—Linda Shanker
      • Works Cited
  7. Locating, Mining, and Citing Sources
    • Source-Based Papers
      • Where Do We Find Written Research?
      • Writing the Research Paper
    • Developing a Topic into a Research Question
    • Brainstorming a Topic
      • Narrowing Your Topic
    • The Research Question
    • Exercise 7.1 Constructing Research Questions
    • Getting Started with Research
    • Consult Knowledgeable People
    • Familiarize Yourself with Your Library’s Resources
    • Locating Preliminary Sources
    • Encyclopedias
      • Wikipedia: Let the Buyer Beware
    • Exercise 7.2 Exploring Encyclopedias
    • Biographical Sources
    • Statistical Sources
    • Overviews and Bibliographies
    • Conducting Focused Research
    • Types of Sources
    • Books
    • Book Reviews
    • Newspapers, Magazines, and Journals
    • Newspapers
    • Magazines
    • Journals (Scholarly Material)
    • Exercise 7.3 Exploring Academic Journals
      • For Best Results, Plan Your Searches
    • Finding Material for Focused Research
    • Databases
    • General Databases
    • Subject-Specific Databases
    • Discovery Services
    • The Open Web
    • Google Scholar
    • USA.gov
      • Focused Research: Constructing Effective Search Queries
    • Advanced Searching with Boolean Logic and Truncation
    • Exercise 7.4 Exploring Online Sources
    • Interviews and Surveys
      • Guidelines for Conducting Interviews
      • Guidelines for Conducting Surveys and Designing Questionnaires
    • Evaluating Sources
      • Guidelines for Evaluating Sources
    • Evaluating Web Sources
    • Exercise 7.5 Practice Evaluating Web Sources
    • Mining Sources
      • Critical Reading for Research
    • The Working Bibliography
    • Note Taking
    • Bibliographic Management Tools
    • Getting the Most From Your Reading
    • Arranging Your Notes: The Outline
    • Research and Plagiarism
    • Time Management and Plagiarism
    • Note Taking and Plagiarism
    • Digital Life and Plagiarism
    • Determining Common Knowledge
    • A Guideline for Determining Common Knowledge
    • Plagiarism, the Internet, and Fair Use
    • Internet Paper Mills
    • Fair Use and Digital Media
    • Citing Sources
    • Types of Citations
    • APA Documentation Basics
    • APA In-Text Citations in Brief
    • APA References List in Brief
    • MLA Documentation Basics
    • MLA Citations in Brief
    • MLA Works Cited List in Brief


  • Music
  1. “Over the Rainbow” and the Art of the Musical Cover
    • The Art of “Over the Rainbow”—the editors
    • 19 Covers of “Over the Rainbow”
    • Who Put the Rainbow in The Wizard of Oz?—Harold Meyerson and Ernie Harburg
    • Video Link: Why “Over the Rainbow” Takes Us to a Magical, Musical Place—PBS NewsHour Interview with Composer Rob Kapilow
    • Why Cover a Song?
    • The Sincerest Form of Flattery—George Plasketes
    • A Treatise on Covers—Tom Bligh
    • How to Talk—and Write—About Popular Music (with Video Link)—Greg Blair
    • Comparing and Contrasting Three Covers of “Stormy Weather”—Greg Blair
    • 36 Covers of “Stormy Weather”
    • 22 Covers of Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah”: Listening Suggestions
    • The Greatest Covers of All Time—Andy Greene
    • The Assignment: Comparative Analysis
  • Psychology
  1. Obedience to Authority
    • Read; Prepare to Write
    • Group Assignment: Make a Topic List
    • The Readings and Videos
    • Why I Am Not an Anarchist—Christopher Wellman and John Simmons
    • Disobedience as a Psychological and Moral Problem: Erich Fromm
    • The Power of Situations—Lee Ross and Richard E. Nisbett
    • The Milgram Experiment—Saul McLeod
    • Video Link: Opinions and Social Pressure—Solomon Asch
    • Video Link: The Stanford Prison Experiment—Philip G. Zimbardo
    • The Follower Problem—David Brooks
    • The Assignments
    • Summary & Paraphrase
    • Critique
    • Explanatory Synthesis
    • Suggestions for Developing the Assignment
    • Analysis
    • Suggestions for Developing the Assignment
    • Argument Synthesis
    • Suggestions for Developing the Assignment
  • Sociology
  1. The Roar of the Tiger Mom
    • Read; Prepare to Write
    • Group Assignment #1: Make a Topic List
    • Group Assignment #2: Create a Topic Web
    • The Readings
    • Adapted from Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother—Amy Chua
    • Amy Chua Is a Wimp—David Brooks
    • Whatever Happened to the Original Tiger Mum’s Children?—Tanith Carey
    • Tiger Mom vs. Tiger Mailroom—Patrick Goldstein
    • America’s Top Parent—Elizabeth Kolbert
    • Your Perfectionist Parenting Style May Be Detrimental to Your Child—Ariana Eunjung Cha
    • The Assignments
    • Summary
    • Critique
    • Explanatory Synthesis
    • Analysis
    • Argument
    • A Note on Incorporating Quotations and Paraphrases


  • Literature and Film
  1. First Impressions: The Art and Craft of Storytelling
    • The Art and Craft of Starting Your Story
    • The Hook—K.M. Weiland
    • Chapter Ones: The Novels
      • Pride and Prejudice (1813) by Jane Austen
      • Jane Eyre (1847) by Charlotte Brontë
      • Great Expectations (1860) by Charles Dickens
      • The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1886) by Robert Louis Stevenson
      • The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1900) by L(yman) Frank Baum
      • My Ántonia (1918) by Willa Cather
    • Scene Ones: The Films
    • How to Start Your Script with a Killer Opening Scene—Tim Long
      • Pride and Prejudice (1995) directed by Simon Langton; Pride and Prejudice (2005) directed by Joe Wright
      • Jane Eyre (1943) directed by Robert Stevenson
      • Great Expectations (1946) directed by David Lean
      • The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1931) directed by Rouben Mamoulian; (1941) directed by Victor Fleming
      • The Wizard of Oz (1939), directed by Victor Fleming
      • My Ántonia (1995) directed by Joseph Sargent
    • Other Scene Ones: from other, notable films
      • Dracula (1931) directed by Tod Browning, and Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992) directed by Francis Ford Coppola
      • Citizen Kane (1941) directed by Orson Welles
      • Brief Encounter (1945) directed by David Lean
      • The Red Badge of Courage (1951) directed by John Huston
      • Shane (1953) directed by George Stevens
      • Rear Window (1954) directed by Alfred Hitchcock
      • The Godfather, Part One (1972) directed by Francis Ford Coppola
      • Do the Right Thing (1989) directed by Spike Lee
      • Dead Again (1991) directed by Kenneth Branagh
      • Sleepless in Seattle (1993) directed by Nora Ephron
      • The Devil in a Blue Dress (1995) directed by Carl Franklin
      • Emma (1996) directed by Douglas McGrath, and Clueless (1995) directed by Amy Heckerling
      • Chicago (2002) directed by Rob Marshall
      • The Hurt Locker (2008) directed by Kathryn Bigelow
      • Inception (2010) directed by Christopher Nolan
      • Gravity (2013) directed by Alfonso Cuarón
      • 12 Years a Slave (2013) directed by Steve McQueen
      • Moonlight (2016) directed by Barry Jenkins
    • Synthesis Activities
  • Computer Science
  1. Artificial Intelligence
    • The Legacy of Prometheus—George Luger
    • The End of Homo Sapiens—Yuval Harari
    • Why the Future Doesn’t Need Us—Bill Joy
    • An Open Letter on Artificial Intelligence—Future of Life Institute
    • Research Priorities for Robust and Beneficial Artificial Intelligence—Stuart Russel, Daniel Dewey, and Max Tegmark
    • An Open Letter on AI: Why Now?—Seán Ó hÉigeartaigh
    • Don’t Fear Artificial Intelligence—Dominic Basulto
    • Robots Will Take Your Job; Will They Guarantee Your Income?—Scott Santens
    • A Review of Humans are Underrated by Geoff Colvin—Tyler Cowen
    • Automation and Anxiety—The Economist
    • Motion for a European Parliament Resolution to the Commission on Civil Law Rules on Robotics—Committee on Legal Affairs, European Parliament
    • Testing the Turing Test
    • The Turing Test—George Luger
    • Intelligent Machines That Compose Sonnets—National Public Radio
    • Intelligent Machines That Compose Music
    • Intelligent Machines That Draw and Paint
    • Intelligent Machines That Chat with You
    • Sympathy for the Robot: Visions of AI in Westworld—Christopher Orr
    • Synthesis Activities
    • Research Activities
  • Sociology
  1. Have You Heard This? The Latest on Rumor
    • 9/11: Rumor in a Broken World—Gary Fine and Bill Ellis
    • Memorable Examples of Rumor—Robert Bartholomew and Peter Hassall
    • Frankenchicken—Snopes.com
    • Fighting that Old Devil Rumor—Sandra Salmans
    • The Runaway Grandmother—Jan Harold Brunvand
    • How Technology Disrupted the Truth—Katherine Viner
    • Anatomy of a Rumor: It Flies on Fear—Daniel Goleman
    • A Psychology of Rumor—Robert H. Knapp
    • A Sociology of Rumor—Dan E. Miller
    • Pizzagate: An Anthropology of Rumor—Hugh Gusterson
    • Video Link: How and Why Rumors Work—And How to Stop Them—Nicholas DiFonzo
    • How to Fight a Rumor—Jesse Singal
    • The Rumor—John Updike
    • Synthesis Activities
    • Research Activities
  • Philosophy
  1. Fairy Tales: A Closer Look at Cinderella
    • A Girl, a Shoe, a Prince: The Endlessly Evolving “Cinderella”—Linda Holmes
    • What Great Books Do for Children—Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.
    • An Introduction to Fairy Tales—Maria Tatar
    • Three Variants of “Cinderella”
    • “Cinderella”—Charles Perrault
    • Ashputtle—Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm
    • A Chinese “Cinderella”—Tuan Ch’êng-shih
    • When the Clock Strikes – Tanith Lee
    • Four (Brief) Analyses of “Cinderella”
    • A Netherworld of Smut—Bruno Bettelheim
    • Wealth, Beauty, and Revenge—Rob Baum
    • The Coding of Black and White—Dorothy Hurley
    • Sexist Values and a Puritan Ethos—Jack Zipes
    • Cinderella’s Stepsisters—Toni Morrison
    • Cinderella: Not So Morally Superior—Elisabeth Panttaja
    • What’s Wrong with Cinderella?—Peggy Orenstein
    • Synthesis Activities
    • Research Activities
  • Psychology
  1. Advertising
    • Why Good Advertising Works (Even When You Think It Doesn’t)—Nigel Hollis
    • Selling Happiness: Three Pitches from Mad Men
    • An Introduction to Advertising in America—Daniel Pope
    • The Greatest Print Campaigns of All Time: Volkswagen Think Small—Joshua Johnson
    • Advertising’s Fifteen Basic Appeals—Jib Fowles / Shirley Biagi
    • A Portfolio of Print Ads: Six Archives
    • Advertising Archives
    • Duke University Medi

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