Reinforced Concrete Design, 9th edition
- Abi O. Aghayere
- , Jason Vigil
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Reinforced Concrete Design is your guide, and a practitioner's guide, to reinforced concrete design. The text integrates current building and material codes with realistic examples to give you a practical understanding of this field and the work of its engineers. Using a step-by-step solution format, the author takes an active-learning approach to analyzing the design, strength and behavior of reinforced concrete members and simple reinforced concrete structural systems.
The 9th Edition conforms to the latest version of ACI-318 Code. The new edition expands discussion of common design elements and practice issues. It also adds more end-of-chapter problems reflecting real-world design projects.
Published by Pearson (July 14th 2021) - Copyright © 2019
ISBN-13: 9780137531226
Subject: Construction Management & Civil Technology
Category: Reinforced Concrete
- Materials and Mechanics of Bending, Concrete Slab Systems and Gravity Load Distribution in Concrete Slab Systems
- Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Beams and Slabs: Tension Steel Only, Slabs-on-Grade
- Reinforced Concrete Beams: T-Beams and Doubly Reinforced Beams
- Shear and Torsion in Beams, and Corbels and Brackets
- Development, Splices, and Simple Bar Cut-offs, Structural Integrity Reinforcement
- Continuous Construction Design Considerations
- Serviceability: Deflections, Cracking, and Floor Vibrations
- Structural Walls — Retaining Walls, Basement Walls, Bearing Walls, and Shear Walls
- Columns: Axial Load plus Bending, Biaxial Bending, and Slender Columns
- Foundations: Spread Footings, Strip Footings, Combined Footings, Eccentrically Loaded Footings, Strap Footings
- Prestressed Concrete Fundamentals
- Concrete Formwork
- Detailing Reinforced Concrete Structures
- Practical Considerations in the Design of Reinforced Concrete Buildings