Social Psychology, 14th edition
- Nyla R. Branscombe
- , Robert A. Baron
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Show how the ever-changing field of Social Psychology is useful in students’ everyday lives
Revel Social Psychology, Fourteenth Edition retains the hallmark of its past success: up-to-date coverage of the quickly evolving subject matter written in a lively manner that has been embraced by thousands of students around the world. Authors Nyla Branscombe and Robert Baron — both respected scholars with decades of undergraduate teaching experience — generate student excitement by revealing the connections between theory and real-world experiences. The Fourteenth Edition offers updated content to engage students, as well as new “What Research Tells Us About…” sections in each chapter that illustrate how research findings help answer important questions about social life.
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Published by Pearson (July 14th 2021) - Copyright © 2017
ISBN-13: 9780137533534
Subject: Psychology
Category: Social Psychology
1. Social Psychology: The Science of the Social Side of Life
2. Social Cognition: How We Think About the Social World
3. Social Perception: Perceiving and Understanding Others
4. The Self: Answering the Question, "Who Am I?"
5. Attitudes: Evaluating and Responding to the Social World
6. Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination: The Causes, Effects, and Cures
7. Interpersonal Attraction and Close Relationships
8. Social Influence: Changing Others' Behavior
9. Prosocial Behavior: Helping Others
10. Aggression: Its Nature, Causes, and Control
11. Groups and Individuals: The Consequences of Belonging
12. Social Psychology: Overcoming Adversity and Achieving Happiness