By The People, Volume 1, 1st edition
- James W. Fraser
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By the People tells resonant stories of the people who have shaped the United States, from everyday women and men to the most important leaders of their day. Throughout this engaging text, author Jim Fraser empowers you to focus on historical analysis and interpretation rather than to simply memorize information. Examining both the relatable and remarkable people in US history, the text helps readers see themselves in history, maybe even inspiring you to join the list of those who have helped build a better, more hopeful country.
American Voices features bring history alive through the words, thoughts and ideas of people who experienced the events of the time. And Thinking Historically features show how historians cite historical evidence to explain why certain decisions were made, providing models of how to think historically.
Published by Pearson (July 14th 2021) - Copyright © 2016
ISBN-13: 9780137533640
Subject: History
Category: United States History Survey
Part 1: Contact and Exploration, 1491 to 1607
- The World Before 1492
- First Encounters, First Conquests, 1492 to 1607
Part 2: Settlements Old and New, 1607 to 1754
- Settlements, Alliances and Resistance, 1607 to 1718
- Creating the Culture of British North America, 1689 to 1754
Part 3: A New Birth of Freedom: Creating the United States of America, 1754 to 1800
- The Making of a Revolution, 1754 to 1783
- Creating a Nation, 1783 to 1788
- Practicing Democracy, 1789 to 1800
Part 4: Crafting a Nation, People, Land and a National Identity, 1800 to 1848
- Creating a New People, Expanding the Country, 1801 to 1823
- New Industries, New Politics, 1815 to 1828
- Democracy in the Age of Andrew Jackson, 1828 to 1844
- Manifest Destiny: Expanding the Nation, 1830 to 1853
Part 5: Expansion, Separation and a New Union, 1844 to 1877
- Living in a Nation of Changing Lands, Changing Faces, Changing Expectations, 1831 to 1854
- The Politics of Separation, 1850 to 1861
- And the War Came: The Civil War, 1861 to 1865
- Reconstruction, 1865 to 1877