Longman Writer, The: Rhetoric, Reader, and Research Guide, 10th edition
- Judith Nadell
- , John Langan
- , Deborah A Coxwell-Teague
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The Longman Writer provides you with step-by-step reading and writing instruction, clear strategies, and the opportunity to learn which strategies work best for you. This flexible, easy-to-use guide covers each stage of the writing process, essay exams, literary papers and research paper documentation (based on the 8th edition of the MLA Handbook). Professional and student examples help illustrate what's expected to successfully complete writing assignments throughout. Numerous activities and writing exercises provide essential practice, highlight rhetorical choices, and let you experiment with a range of composing strategies.
The 10th Edition includes up-to-date advice at every stage of the academic writing and researching process, as well as critical reading and thinking instruction. New student essay examples and selections by well-known authors are included.
Published by Pearson (July 14th 2021) - Copyright © 2018
ISBN-13: 9780137536702
Subject: Composition
Category: Rhetorics
PART 1: The Reading Process
- Becoming a Critical Reader and Thinker
PART 2: The Writing Process
- Getting Started Through Prewriting
- Identifying a Thesis
- Supporting the Thesis with Evidence
- Organizing the Evidence
- Writing the Paragraphs in the First Draft
- Revising Overall Meaning, Structure, and Paragraph Development
- Revising Sentences and Words
- Editing and Proofreading
PART 3: Patterns of Development
- Description
- Narration
- Illustration
- Division-Classification
- Process Analysis
- Comparison-Contrast
- Cause-Effect
- Definition
- Argumentation-Persuasion
PART 4: The Research Essay
- Locating, Critically Evaluating, Analyzing, and Synthesizing Research Sources
- Writing the Research Essay
PART 5: The Literary Essay and Essay Exam
- Writing About Literature
- Writing Essay Exams