
Texts and Contexts: Writing About Literature with Critical Theory, 7th edition

  • Steven Jay Lynn

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By considering how adept readers behave and what assumptions they might make while interacting with literary text, Texts and Contexts: Writing About Literature with Critical Theory teaches students the challenging art of writing about literature. The text provides overviews of literature and how to write about it, as well as critical and literary theory with examples throughout. Students will learn versatile strategies in reading, writing, interpreting data, and constructing arguments that can be applied to virtually any field.

Stylistic improvements have been made throughout the 7th Edition, with added examples and clarification provided. Content has been updated to include examples from film and a variety of other genres, as well as coverage of ecocriticism and digital humanities.

Published by Pearson (July 14th 2021) - Copyright © 2017

ISBN-13: 9780137541096

Subject: Literature

Category: Literary Criticism

  1. An Introduction, Theoretically
  2. Critical Words: A Selective Tour
  3. Unifying the Work: New Criticism
  4. Creating the Text: Reader-Response Criticism
  5. Opening Up the Text: Structuralism and Deconstruction
  6. Connecting the Text: Historical and New Historical Criticism
  7. Minding the Work: Psychological Criticism
  8. Gendering the Text: Feminist Criticism, Post-feminism, and Queer Theory