Réseau: Communication, Intégration, Intersections, 2nd edition
- Jean Marie Schultz
- , Marie-Paule Tranvouez
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Réseau is designed to develop your French language skills, as well as your cultural knowledge. The authors' approach will help ease your transition to intermediate French by providing critical thinking activities designed to improve your speaking, reading and writing articulation. The text includes content and activities throughout that offer opportunities to reflect on French and Francophone cultures, as well as your own. Clear grammar explanations, entirely in French, will teach you to think in French, while the integration of cultural and literary texts will deepen your understanding of grammar lessons.
Updates to the 2nd Edition support further development of listening and speaking skills, in addition to expanding vocabulary. New readings and activities have been added throughout, along with current coverage of French culture that reflects the impact of globalization, immigration and multi-culturalism.
Published by Pearson (July 14th 2021) - Copyright © 2015
ISBN-13: 9780137549252
Subject: French
Category: Intermediate French
- Les relations familiales
- Masculin/féminin: rôles
- La vie urbaine
- Politique, indépendance: identité française, identité acadienne et québécoise
- La France: un kaléidoscope social
- La France: icônes culturelles
- La France bigarrée, un pays métissé et multiculturel
- La Francophonie
- Intersections esthétiques: architecture, peinture, sculpture
- Regard sur la France: le septième art ou le cinéma
- La France vue d'ailleurs
- La France et l'Europe