Contemporary Business Law, 8th edition
- Henry R. Cheeseman
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For one- or two-semester undergraduate courses in Business Law
Take students beyond rote memorization and into true understanding of the concepts and their implications.
This motivating, up-to-date text presents business law, ethics, and the legal environment in a way that intrigues students, spurs them to ask questions, and takes them beyond rote memorization as they learn the issues and concepts. With its emphasis on covering online law and e-commerce as key parts of the legal environment—as well as today’s social, ethical, and international issues that are important to the study of business law—it’s the ideal text for your one- or two-semester undergraduate course in Business Law.
This text provides a better teaching and learning experience—for you and your students. Here’s how:
- Tailor the material to your specific course with the Custom Database option.
- Draw students into the material with a rich selection of cases.
- Address issues critical to the field of business law today.
Published by Pearson (July 14th 2021) - Copyright © 2015
ISBN-13: 9780137614110
Subject: Business Law
Part I Legal, Ethical, and Digital Environment
- Legal Heritage and the Digital Age
- Constitutional Law for Business and E-Commerce
- Courts and Jurisdiction
- Judicial, Alternative, Administrative, and E-Dispute Resolution
- Intentional Torts and Negligence
- Criminal Law and Cyber Crimes
- Intellectual Property and Cyber Piracy
- Ethics and Social Responsibility of Business
Part II Contracts and E-Commerce
- Nature of Traditional and E-Contracts
- Agreement and Consideration
- Capacity and Legality
- Genuineness of Assent and Statute of Frauds
- Third-Party Rights and Discharge
- Breach of Contract and Remedies
- Digital Law and E-Commerce
Part III Sales and Lease Contracts and Product Liability
- Formation of Sales and Lease Contracts
- Title to Goods and Risk of Loss
- Remedies for Breach of Sales and Lease Contracts
- Warranties and Product Liability
Part IV Negotiable Instruments, Banking, and Electronic Financial Transactions
- Creation and Transfer of Negotiable Instruments
- Holder in Due Course and Liability of Parties
- Banking System and Electronic Financial Transactions
Part V Credit, Secured Transactions, and Bankruptcy
- Credit, Real Property Financing, and Secured Transactions
- Bankruptcy and Reorganization
Part VI Business Organizations, Corporate Governance, and Investor Protection
- Agency Law
- Small Business, Entrepreneurship, and Partnerships
- Corporate Formation and Financing
- Corporate Governance and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act
- Corporate Acquisitions and Multinational Corporations
- Limited Liability Companies and Limited Liability Partnerships
- Franchise and Special Forms of Business
- Investor Protection, E-Securities, and Wall Street Reform
Part VII Government Regulation and Employment Law
- Antitrust Law and Unfair Trade Practices
- Consumer Safety and Environmental Protection
- Labor, Worker Protection, and Immigration Law
- Equal Opportunity in Employment
Part VIII Property, Insurance, and Estates
- Personal Property, Bailment, and Insurance
- Real Property, Landlord-Tenant Law, and Land Use Regulation
- Family Law, Wills, and Trusts
Part IX Accounting Profession
- Accountants’ Duties and Liability
Part X Global Environment
- International and World Trade Law
- A The Constitution of the United States of America