Microeconomics, 9th edition
- Jeffrey M. Perloff
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A market-leading text, Microeconomics presents economic theory in the context of real, data-driven examples, and then helps you develop your intuition through hallmark Solved Problems. The text places emphasis on modern theories, such as industrial organization theory, game theory, and transaction cost theory, which are useful in analyzing actual markets. At the same time, a step-by-step problem-based learning approach demonstrates how to use microeconomic theory to solve business problems and analyze policy.
The 9th Edition has been substantially updated with new or revised real-world examples, applications and problems. This gives you a practical perspective, seeing how models connect to real-world decisions are being made in today's firms and policy debates.
Published by Pearson (July 6th 2022) - Copyright © 2023
ISBN-13: 9780137691432
Subject: Economics
Category: Intermediate Microeconomics
- Introduction
- Supply and Demand
- Applying the Supply-and-Demand Model
- Consumer Choice
- Applying Consumer Theory
- Firms and Production
- Costs
- Competitive Firms and Markets
- Applying the Competitive Model
- General Equilibrium and Economic Welfare
- Monopoly
- Pricing and Advertising
- Oligopoly and Monopolistic Competition
- Game Theory
- Factor Markets
- Interest Rates, Investments, and Capital Markets
- Uncertainty
- Externalities, Open-Access, and Public Goods
- Asymmetric Information
- Contracts and Moral Hazards
- 2A. Regressions
- 3A. Effects of a Specific Tax on Equilibrium
- 4A. Utility and Indifference Curves
- 4B. Maximizing Utility
- 5A. The Slutsky Equation
- 5B. Labor-Leisure Model
- 6A. Properties of Marginal and Average Product Curves
- 6B. The Slope of an Isoquant
- 6C. Cobb-Douglas Production Function
- 7A. Minimum of the Average Cost Curve
- 7B. Japanese Beer Manufacturer's Short-Run Cost Curves
- 7C. Minimizing Cost
- 8A. The Elasticity of the Residual Demand Curve
- 8B. Profit Maximization
- 9A. Demand Elasticities and Surplus
- 11A. Relationship Between a Linear Demand Curve and Its Marginal Revenue Curve
- 11B. Incidence of a Specific Tax on a Monopoly
- 12A. Perfect Price Discrimination
- 12B. Group Price Discrimination
- 12C. Block Pricing
- 12D. Two-Part Pricing
- 12E. Profit-Maximizing Advertising and Production
- 13A. Nash-Cournot Equilibrium
- 13B. Nash-Stackelberg Equilibrium
- 13C. Nash-Bertrand Equilibrium
- 15A. Factor Demands
- 15B. Monopsony
- 16A. The Present Value of Payments over Time
- 18A. Welfare Effects of Pollution in a Competitive Market
- 20A. Nonshirking Condition