MyMarketingExperience success stories

MyMarketingExperience has been successfully run at a number of universities since its launch, and feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. Read more about our educators' and students' experiences using MyMarketingExperience using the link below.

Trinity College Dublin

MyMarketingExperience at Trinity College Dublin
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Trinity College Dublin logo

Watch what lecturers and students at Trinity College Dublin thought of MyMarketingExperience. Professor Miread Brady was so impressed by the student response she recorded this video.

Oxford Brookes University

MyMarketingExperience at Oxford Brookes University
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The marketing faculty at Oxford Brookes University has produced a video that shows year one marketing students using the MyMarketingExperience simulation. Feedback from lecturers and students has said that MyMarketingExperience helps students get a better understanding of marketing through direct experience and this supports and improves student outcomes and develops their marketing, team and employability skills.