A whole range of people at all levels care for our health when we need it.

You could work as a doctor, either in a health centre or in a hospital. As a nurse, you could work in a hospital or in the community. You might choose to specialise in one particular area of medicine, such as eyes, teeth, joints and muscles. You could work as a scientist or engineer in healthcare, for example analysing samples of blood or operating the hi-tech machines in hospitals. A relevant degree is not always required. If you have talent and work hard, you can gain the skills and experience employers are looking for.

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Career maps

Refer to these useful charts that explains the different sorts of jobs in the healthcare sector and what qualifications are required for each role.

Applied and Healthcare Science

Healthcare - Allied Health

Healthcare - Nursing

Healthcare - Science


Future careers

Increasingly, staff will work as part of multi-disciplinary teams of doctors, nurses, therapists, scientists and other healthcare professionals. The move to take care out of hospitals and into the community will mean more opportunities in community settings. It is also expected that more staff will be needed in the mental health and learning disability sectors and to care for patients with long-term conditions.

Things to consider

Things you may need to know:

  • Although the NHS is the biggest healthcare employer, there are also private healthcare providers.
  • Some health professionals work in other settings. For example, nurses can work in schools and companies. Doctors can work in universities.
  • Patients who are ill are often in distress. You may have to deal with people who are angry or upset. Patients may be very ill and may die.

Useful links

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Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC)

Skills for Health

Step into the NHS