Competition for jobs in this industry is fierce but jobs are available if you can show enthusiasm and relevant skills.

Show employers that you are interested in a digital media career through your hobbies and work experience. If your hobbies are related to IT, make sure your potential employer knows about them. If you taught yourself programming code, created your own app, developed a website, edit videos or write a blog, show this evidence to employers.

Case study

Emma Dalzell

Essential skills for working in marketing are: good communication, English and maths, the ability to present confidently, showing initiative and project management...

Emma Dalzell, Bare Bones Media

Example jobs

Computer games tester
Finds and record bugs and make recommendations on how the game’s usability could be improved.

Data entry assistant
Enter and update information on computer systems or websites.

Online marketing assistant or apprentice
Assist senior staff to promote an organisation’s products or services online.

App developer
Create apps for lots of different uses using computer code.

Things you need to know

Typical working conditions

  • You will be office-based, working standard office hours: 9am to 5pm.
  • You will be working with computers.
  • You may be expected to work late on occasion to meet project deadlines.

Qualifications needed

You should aim to achieve good grades in your GCSEs and other Level 2 subjects. You might choose to do a creative and digital media apprenticeship, a BTEC Level 3 extended diploma in IT or relevant A levels.

Career path

This will depend on the job you choose, the opportunities available and your grades at Level 2. Have a backup plan in case your ideal choice is not possible. Some people get into digital media by doing another job first.

Useful links

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Creative Skillset

Information about careers in areas including games and VFX

National Careers Service

Read a job profile for a computer games tester


Interactive exercises to help you learn how to code