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  • A teacher stood in front of his class with students looking at him, there is also a GSE ambssador logo
    • Language teaching

    Designing new learning experiences for your English language learners

    By Ehsan Gorji
    Reading time: 6 minutes

    Ehsan Gorji is an Iranian teacher and educator with 18 years of experience in English language education. He collaborates on various ELT projects with different language schools around the globe. Ehsan currently owns and manages THink™ Languages and also works as a TED-Ed Student Talks Leader.

    Learning has always been an interesting topic to explore in the language education industry. Every week, a lot of webinars are delivered on how learning another language could be more successful, lots of articles are written on how to maximize learning, and many discussions take place between teaching colleagues about how they could surprise their language learners with more amazing tasks and games. In our lesson plans, too, we put learners into focus and try to write learning objectives that will benefit them in the real world.

  • Woman working in front of a laptop writing something down and smiling
    • Language hints and tips

    Learning a language while working full-time

    By Charlotte Guest
    Reading time: 4 minutes

    Mastering a new language can be a game-changer for your career. Whether it's for expanding your professional network, exploring new job opportunities, or simply enhancing your cognitive skills, learning a language is an invaluable investment. But how can you juggle language learning with a demanding full-time job? Here are some practical tips designed for busy professionals.

    1. Set clear goals

    Before you start, it's crucial to set clear, achievable goals. Whether you aim to hold basic conversations, read professional documents, or become fluent, having a specific target will keep you motivated and focused.

    2. Integrate learning into your daily routine

    Finding time to study can be challenging, but integrating language learning into your daily routine can make it more manageable:

    • Commute time: Use your commute to listen to language podcasts or audiobooks.
    • Lunch breaks: Dedicate 15-20 minutes of your lunch break to review vocabulary or grammar.
    • Evening wind-down: Spend 10 minutes before bed practicing speaking or writing.

    3. Use online resources

    Modern technology provides a plethora of tools to help you learn a new language without disrupting your schedule:

    • Language learning apps: Apps like Mondly by Pearson allow you to practice during your commute or lunch break.
    • Podcasts and audiobooks: Listen to language lessons during your commute or workout.
    • Online courses:  Many websites offer structured courses that you can complete at your own pace.

    4. Stay motivated

    Staying motivated is crucial to your success. Celebrate your progress, no matter how small, and remind yourself of the benefits of being multilingual:

    • Track your progress: Keep a journal of your language learning milestones and achievements.
    • Find a study buddy: Partner with a colleague or friend who is also learning the language to keep each other accountable.
    • Reward yourself: Treat yourself when you reach your language learning goals.

    5. Explore company resources

    Some companies offer resources or discounted access for learning. It's always worthwhile to check if your employer provides:

    • Language classes: On-site or online language classes.
    • Learning platforms: Subscriptions to language learning platforms.
    • Education reimbursement: Financial assistance for language courses as part of professional development.

    6. Use your work environment

    If your workplace has international colleagues, take advantage of this opportunity to practice. Try to speak with them in their first language or ask for help with pronunciation and vocabulary. Not only will this provide real-world practice, but it will also strengthen your professional relationships.

    7. Be consistent and patient

    Consistency is key when learning a new language:

    • Daily practice: Even 10-15 minutes a day can lead to significant progress over time.
    • Patience: Language learning is a gradual process. Celebrate small milestones and remain patient with your progress.

    Balancing a full-time job with language learning is no small feat, but it's entirely possible with the right strategies. By setting clear goals, integrating learning into your routine, leveraging technology, practicing consistently, engaging with native speakers, making learning fun and staying motivated, you can achieve fluency without sacrificing your professional responsibilities. Ready to start your language learning journey? Take the first step today and open a world of new opportunities.

  • A woman sat outside in a forest relaxing with her eyes closed
    • Inclusivity and wellbeing

    10 tips for student wellbeing at back to school time

    By Donatella Fitzgerald MBE
    Reading time: 5 minutes

    Donatella Fitzgerald is a teacher, teacher trainer, and trained to teach the MISP Mindfulness in Schools Project (from pre-school to teens) and has completed Module 1 on the Teacher Training Pathway with the Mindfulness Network in collaboration with Bangor University. Her specialist interest areas are Extensive Reading Projects, CLIL, Citizenship, Mindfulness, Plurilingualism and Artificial Intelligence in Education.  In her current role as ELL Consultant at Pearson in Italy she works with teachers and students every day to find solutions to help them achieve their teaching and learning goals. In 2024, she was awarded an MBE (Member of the British Empire) in the King’s Birthday Honours List for Services to English Education and Youth Engagement.

    The first weeks back at school after a break can be both exciting and overwhelming. It’s a time of new beginnings, fresh challenges, and opportunities for growth. Prioritizing wellbeing during this period is crucial for a smooth transition and long-term success. Students may be feeling anxious and unsettled due to starting a new school year, or even a new school. In today's fast-paced academic environment, maintaining mental, emotional, and physical health is more crucial than ever. Here are some tips to help your students stay balanced and thrive throughout the school year.

  • A man looking at a openlaptop with a pen in hand, smiling at the laptop
    • Just for fun

    7 myths about learning a new language debunked

    By Charlotte Guest
    Reading time: 3 minutes

    Learning a new language can be an incredibly rewarding experience, opening doors to new cultures, enhancing career opportunities and providing cognitive benefits. However, many myths about language learning can discourage potential learners or lead them astray. Today, we're debunking seven common language learning myths to help you on your linguistic journey.

    Myth 1: "You need to start young to be fluent"


    It's never too late to learn a new language. While children may pick up accents and intonation more easily, adults often have the advantage of better-developed cognitive skills and life experiences that can aid in understanding complex grammar and vocabulary. Numerous studies have shown that adults can achieve fluency with dedication and the right learning strategies.

    Myth 2: "You have to live in a country to learn the language"


    Thanks to technology, you can immerse yourself in a new language without leaving your home. Tools like language learning apps, online courses, virtual tutors and even social media can provide ample opportunities for practice and immersion. Living in a country where the language is spoken can be beneficial, but it is not a necessity.

    Myth 3: "You must be naturally gifted to learn languages"


    Language learning is less about innate talent and more about consistent practice and effective methods. Anyone can learn a new language with the right mindset and resources. Persistence, motivation and using varied learning techniques can significantly enhance your ability to learn.

    Myth 4: "It's all about memorizing vocabulary"


    While vocabulary is essential, language learning involves much more than rote memorization. Understanding grammar, practicing speaking and listening, and getting a feel for cultural nuances are equally important. Engaging in conversations, reading and writing in the language can make the learning process more holistic and enjoyable.

    Myth 5: "You can't learn multiple languages at once"


    Learning multiple languages simultaneously is possible, though it does require careful planning and organization. The key is to manage your time effectively and ensure that you are not overwhelming yourself. Using different methods and tools for each language can help keep them distinct in your mind.

    Myth 6: "Watching movies and listening to music doesn't count as learning"


    Consuming media in your target language can be an excellent way to improve your listening skills and cultural understanding. Movies, TV shows, music and podcasts expose you to natural language usage, slang and colloquial expressions that textbooks may not cover. It's a fun and engaging complementary method to more formal study.

    Myth 7: "If you can't speak perfectly, don't try"


    Perfectionism can be a significant barrier to language learning. Making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process. The more you practice speaking, the more confident and proficient you'll become. Focus on communication rather than perfection, and don't be afraid to make errors—they're your stepping stones to fluency.


    By debunking these myths, we hope to encourage more people to take up the challenge of learning a new language. Remember, the most important factors are consistency, practice and a willingness to learn from mistakes.

    Ready to tackle a new language? Start today and immerse yourself in the endless possibilities that come with being multilingual. Explore the benefits with our post, 'Being bilingual can help keep your brain in good condition'.

  • Two business men looking at a laptop
    • Business and employability

    Making the case for English language training and assessment in your organization

    By Samantha Ball
    Reading time: 4 minutes

    You’ve done your research and you know that a greater focus on language skills could help you and your organization reach your goals faster and more effectively. The next stage? Getting buy-in from your key stakeholders.

    Securing budgets and implementing new initiatives is a real challenge for HR professionals. That’s why building a strong business case is essential. Reliable language testing tools can accurately measure a candidate's ability to use a language in real-life contexts. Assessing language proficiency is crucial for tracking employee fluency levels and ensuring effective communication within the organization.

  • A woman/teacher teaching her students in the classroom.
    • Language hints and tips
    • Language teaching

    Top tips for writing a winning English Teacher Awards 2024 nomination

    By Thomas Gardner
    Reading time: 3 minutes

    We are celebrating teaching excellence around the world through the Pearson English Teacher Awards 2024. 

    Open to all types of English language educator, the 15 lucky global winners will take home thousands of pounds of prizes, from trips to conferences to the latest language learning software for their school. 

    Nominating an educator for the Pearson English Teacher Awards is simple. All applications are made via the awards entry page, and you have 600-1000 words to tell us how your nominee builds learners’ confidence to be themselves in English. 

    Here are our top tips to make the most of every word and ensure your entry is top of the class. 

    Application tips

    1. Make it category specific 

    One of the core judging criteria is how well an application matches the category description. 

    Educators can be nominated in one of five different categories: 

    1. Teaching Young Minds English
    2. Empowering Teen Confidence in English
    3. Cultivating Lifelong Learners in English 
    4. Innovation in English Language Teaching 
    5. Rising Stars of English Language Teaching 

    Tailoring your answer to the category description will make sure our judges understand exactly why your nominee is the perfect winner. 

    For a detailed description of each of the categories, take a look at our recent blog post.

    2. Focus on confidence

    Learning a language isn’t just about knowing the vocabulary or understanding the grammar; it’s about having the confidence to go out there and use your newfound skills to unlock a world of opportunities. 

    But feeling confident in something you’re still learning is hard. Anyone that’s learnt a language has experienced those dips in motivation and confidence when you come across a topic that doesn’t come naturally to you. 

    That’s where a great teacher can make all the difference. The right support and encouragement combined with innovative teaching techniques can help learners protect and even build their confidence in challenging moments. 

    That confidence is what transforms language learning from just communicating to feeling able to really be yourself in English. And when you’re able to do that, great opportunities come your way. 

    Our judges are looking for nominations that understand the connection between confidence and self-expression and the impact that can have on learners’ lives. 

    3. Demonstrate your impact

    Including relevant data and examples in your application will help judges understand the impact your nominee has had. 

    This might include data such as internal or external test results, as well as how those results have changed during that teacher’s tenure. 

    Evidence doesn’t have to mean numbers. Judges also welcome anecdotes and examples that describe the impact an educator has had on learners’ confidence. 

    The judging process

    Nominations can be submitted between 15th August and midnight (CST) on 1st November. 

    After that date, all entries will be reviewed and a shortlist submitted to our expert judges. 

    There are two to three judges for each category who will independently review and shortlist nominees before collectively awarding a Gold, Silver, and Bronze winner in their category. 

    Shortlisted entries will be contacted by our team and announced at the Pearson Teacher Awards ceremony on November 21st 2024. 

    Meet the judges

    From Argentina to Algeria, Italy to Germany, Pearson English Teacher Award 2024 judges come from all over the world. 

    Many have years of ELT teaching experience, as well as expertise from academia and business. 

    Here are just three of our expert judges: 

    • Belgin Elmas: Head of the English Language Teaching Department at TED University in Ankara, Belgin is a professor with more than 34 years of teaching experience. 
    • Dr Silvia Minardi: President of Lingua e Nuova Didattica and Vice President of Aermigo. Dr Minardi has extensive experience in CLIL training, collaborating with the ECML and the Council of Europe.
    • Dr Renata Condi: An experienced teacher, development professional, and course book author, Dr Condi holds a PhD and MA in Applied Linguistics and an MBA in School Management. 

    The prizes

    With a Gold, Silver, and Bronze winner in each of the five categories, there are 15 chances for educators and their schools to win. 

    Gold winners will receive a trip to a regional professional conference, including flight and hotel, as well as up to £500 in credit for professional development. 

    Their school will win annual licenses to top language learning app, Mondly by Pearson as well as a course, assessment, and certification bundle valued at £1000 

    Silver and Bronze winners will take home top prizes too, with £250 in credit towards their professional development and up to 500 Mondly by Pearson licenses for their school to continue their good work building learners’ confidence in English. 

    Ready to make your nomination? Visit this page and tell us about the amazing work your nominee’s been doing. 

  • Childten sat at a desk staring up at a tablet
    • Technology and the future

    Embracing AI for the new school year

    By Thomas Gardner
    Reading time: 2 minutes

    Back-to-school season is the perfect time to introduce something new into your teaching toolkit. With advancements in technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly important for educators to incorporate into their workflow and beneficial for students. Here are some practical ways AI can enhance your classroom experience this new school year.

    AI saves valuable time

    One of the biggest challenges teachers face is finding the time to plan and create engaging lessons. AI can maximize your time by generating word sets, images and activities. Imagine having a virtual assistant that can suggest fresh ideas for your lessons, create tailored resources and even develop entire lesson plans. By automating these time-consuming tasks, AI allows you to focus more on teaching and interacting with your students.

    How AI can help

    • Lesson planning: Generate detailed lesson plans and activities.
    • Lesson inspiration: Get new and creative ideas for classroom activities.
    • Resource creation: Develop word sets, images and other teaching materials.

    As you prepare for the upcoming school year, consider how integrating AI tools can elevate your teaching practice, making your lessons more engaging while freeing up precious time for interactions with your students.

    Personalized learning and targeted feedback

    Every student learns differently, and tailoring lessons to meet individual needs can be challenging. AI can help by providing personalized learning experiences and targeted feedback. Using data-driven insights, AI tools can identify areas where learners are struggling and offer customized recommendations to help them improve. This not only enhances the learning experience but also ensures that no student is left behind.

    Benefits of AI in personalization

    • Personalized lessons: Adapt lessons to suit individual learning styles.
    • Targeted feedback: Provide specific feedback to help students improve.

    Creating an inclusive classroom

     AI can play an important role in creating an inclusive classroom environment. AI can generate visuals, audio, videos and text, or a combination of all four, catering to different learning preferences. This ensures that all learners, regardless of their learning styles or abilities, have access to the same educational content.

    AI in inclusion

    • Multimodal content: Use various formats to cater to different learning preferences.
    • Accessibility: Ensure that all students can engage with the material.

    Supporting independent learning

    Encouraging students to take charge of their own learning is essential for their development. AI can support independent learning by providing platforms that facilitate self-study at home. These platforms offer a range of resources and tools that help students learn at their own pace, making education more flexible and accessible. Explore how Mondly by Pearson supports independent learning with immersive AI-powered conversations.

    AI tools for self-study

    • Independent learning: Foster a culture of self-directed learning.
    • Self-study resources: Provide tools and platforms for students to use at home.

    Integrating AI into your teaching practice can revolutionize the way you educate and engage with your students. From saving time on lesson planning to creating an inclusive classroom and supporting independent learning, the benefits are significant.

    Want more AI tips and tricks for the classroom? Join us on the Pearson Languages Facebook page for the next video in our series.

  • Image of two business women in a office talking together over a document
    • Business and employability

    Global perspectives: International experience as the ultimate preparation for today’s leaders

    By Samantha Ball
    Reading time: 4 minutes

    From global marketplaces shipping goods between countries to fast-paced remote teams combining talent from all corners of the world, business has never been more international. 

    This multinational, multicultural nature of today’s companies demands more from business leaders. It’s not enough to build a global team, you need to pre-empt and mitigate the challenges that team will face, from overcoming language barriers to navigating new opportunities, and nurturing their differences while creating cohesion. 

    We talked to five leaders about how international experience gave them a global perspective that enhanced their leadership abilities, defined their careers, and shaped their personal lives. 

  • A class of children with tablets standing and talking
    • Inclusivity and wellbeing

    Supporting wellbeing using AI in the classroom

    By Charlotte Guest
    Reading time: 3.5 minutes

    According to Gutman & Vorhaus, 2012 students with higher levels of emotional, behavioral, social, and school wellbeing, on average, have higher levels of academic achievement and are more engaged in school. It’s no wonder that fostering wellbeing in the classroom has become a priority for educators. The rise of technology brings up new challenges and issues, but with AI, there are now innovative ways to support student wellbeing like never before.

    In this guide, we’ll explore how AI can be a powerful ally in promoting learner wellbeing. From suggesting wellbeing exercises to providing personalised support, AI offers a variety of tools that can help you create a more supportive and engaging learning environment.