Exploring content-based learning with "Contemporary Topics"

For over a decade, I've taught Listening Skills III and IV to second-year students in a junior college's English department. Using the "Contemporary Topics (4th edition)" textbook has resulted in high student satisfaction. The course includes engaging academic videos covering diverse topics, providing a sense of studying abroad.

Japanese male students in a lecture

For over a decade, I've taught Listening Skills III and IV to second-year students in a junior college's English department. Using the "Contemporary Topics (4th edition)" textbook has resulted in high student satisfaction. The course includes engaging academic videos covering diverse topics, providing a sense of studying abroad.

Each unit consists of nine sections, incorporating individual, pair, and group activities to solidify understanding. The key concept is "Engagement," facilitating learners' language proficiency advancement. As a facilitator, I focus on background support. Reflecting on the textbook's adoption, I've considered its background, selection reasons, student responses, and practical classroom use.

Presenter: Masahi Takemura, Hokusei Gakuen University Junior College - Professor

Textbook: Contemporary Topics
Language: Japanese
Who should attend: High school teachers, University teachers

Presenter(s): Masahi Takemura


About Masahi Takemura

Masashi Takemura is a professor in the Department of English at Hokuseigakuen University Junior College in Sapporo. His main research interest centers on issues in EFL classrooms in Japan, particularly focusing on extensive reading.

Masahi Takemura