Public Speaking: An Audience-Centered Approach, 11th edition
- Steven A. Beebe
- , Susan J. Beebe
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Public Speaking: An Audience-Centered Approach is a practical and user-friendly guide to help speakers connect with their listeners. Authors Steven and Susan Beebe emphasize the importance of analyzing and considering the audience at every point in the speech-making process. By focusing on the dynamics of diverse audiences, ethics and communication apprehension, the text prepares you to give speeches while keeping your listeners foremost in mind.
The 11th Edition includes new speech examples that model effective public speaking, as well as updated content to help you better understand contemporary communication opportunities and challenges. In addition, each chapter has been revised with new examples, illustrations and references to the latest research conclusions.
Published by Pearson (July 14th 2021) - Copyright © 2021
ISBN-13: 9780137497966
Subject: Communication
Category: Public Speaking
- Speaking With Confidence
- 1.1 What is Public Speaking?
- 1.2 Why Study Public Speaking?
- 1.3 The Rich Heritage of Public Speaking
- 1.4 The Communication Process
- 1.5 Improving Your Confidence as a Speaker
- Presenting Your First Speech
- 2.1 Consider Your Audience
- 2.2 The Audience-Centered Speechmaking Process
- Speaking Freely and Ethically
- 3.1 Speaking Freely
- 3.2 Speaking Ethically
- 3.3 Speaking Credibly
- Listening to Speeches
- 4.1 Overcoming Barriers to Effective Listening
- 4.2 How to Become a Better Listener
- 4.3 Improving Critical Listening and Thinking Skills
- 4.4 Analyzing and Evaluating Speeches
- Analyzing Your Audience
- 5.1 Gathering Information about Your Audience
- 5.2 Analyzing Information about Your Audience
- 5.3 Adapting to Your Audience
- 5.4 Analyzing Your Audience before You Speak
- 5.5 Adapting to Your Audience as You Speak
- 5.6 Analyzing Your Audience after You Speak
- Developing Your Speech
- 6.1 Select and Narrow Your Topic
- 6.2 Determine Your Purpose
- 6.3 Develop Your Central Idea
- 6.4 Generate and Preview Your Main Ideas
- Gathering and Using Supporting Material
- 7.1 Sources of Supporting Material
- 7.2 Research Strategies
- 7.3 Types of Supporting Material
- 7.4 The Best Supporting Material
- Organizing and Outlining Your Speech
- 8.1 Organizing Your Main Ideas
- 8.2 Organizing Your Supporting Material
- 8.3 Organizing Your Presentation for the Ears of Others: Signposting
- 8.4 Outlining Your Speech
- Introducing and Concluding Your Speech
- 9.1 Purposes of Introductions
- 9.2 Effective Introductions
- 9.3 Purposes of Conclusions
- 9.4 Effective Conclusions
- Using Words Well: Speaker Language and Style
- 10.1 Differentiating Oral and Written Language Styles
- 10.2 Using Words Effectively
- 10.3 Adapting Your Language Style to Diverse Listeners
- 10.4 Crafting Memorable Word Structures
- Delivering Your Speech
- 11.1 The Power of Speech Delivery
- 11.2 Methods of Delivery
- 11.3 Characteristics of Effective Delivery
- 11.4 Rehearsing Your Speech: Some Final Tips
- 11.5 Delivering Your Speech
- 11.6 Responding to Questions
- Using Presentation Aids
- 12.1 Types of Presentation Aids
- 12.2 Using Computer-Generated Presentation Aids
- 12.3 Guidelines for Developing Presentation Aids
- 12.4 Guidelines for Using Presentation Aids
- Speaking to Inform
- 13.1 Informative Speech Topics
- 13.2 Strategies to Enhance Audience Understanding
- 13.3 Strategies to Maintain Audience Interest
- 13.4 Strategies to Enhance Audience Recall
- 13.5 Developing an Audience-Centered Informative Speech
- Understanding Principles of Persuasive Speaking
- 14.1 The Goals of Persuasion
- 14.2 How Persuasion Works
- 14.3 How to Motivate Listeners
- 14.4 How to Develop Your Audience-Centered Persuasive Speech
- Using Persuasive Strategies
- 15.1 Enhancing Your Credibility
- 15.2 Using Reasoning and Evidence
- 15.3 Using Emotional Appeals
- 15.4 Strategies for Adapting Ideas to People and People to Ideas
- 15.5 Strategies for Organizing Persuasive Messages
- Speaking for Special Occasions and Purposes
- 16.1 Public Speaking in the Workplace
- 16.2 Ceremonial Speaking
- 16.3 After-Dinner Speaking: Using Humor Effectively
- Speaking in Small Groups
- Solving Problems in Groups and Teams
- Leading Small Groups
- Mediated Public Speaking
- Mediated Communication: An Introduction
- Types of Online Presentations
- Audience
- Preparing for Your Online Presentation
- Rehearsing Your Online Presentation
- Delivering or Recording Your Online Presentation
- Online Etiquette: Digital Citizenship
- Speeches for Analysis and Discussion
- I Have a Dream: Martin Luther King Jr.
- Inaugural Address: John F. Kennedy
- Address to the Nation: George W. Bush
- Audio and Video Manipulation: Suchinder Kalyan