Quantitative Methods for Business and Management, 1st edition

Published by FT Publishing International (June 21, 2012) © 2012

  • John Buglear Nottingham Trent University
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Quantitative Methods for Business and Management Studentstakes you on a journey though the techniques required to succeed in business and management. With a user-friend accessible writing style, John Buglear presents these techniques simply and provides numerous examples to enable you to relate the theory to real-life applications.

List of self-assembly guides

Guided tour

Introduction: the Quantitative Methods road map


Chapter 1  Rules of the road:  The basic techniques

Chapter 2  Straight ahead - linear models

Chapter 3  Around the bend - dealing with the curves

Chapter 4  Filling up - fuelling quantitative analysis

Chapter 5  Good visibility - pictorial presentation of data

Chapter 6  General directions - summarising data

Chapter 7  Two-way traffic - investigating relationships between two variables using correlation and regression

Chapter 8  Counting the cost - summarising money variables over time

Chapter 9  Long distance - analysing time series data

Chapter 10 Is it worth the risk - introducing probability

Chapter 11 Finding the right way - analysing decisions

Chapter 12 Accidents and incidence - discrete probability distributions and simulation

Chapter 13 Smooth running - continuous probability distributions and basic queuing theory

Chapter 14 Getting from A to B - project planning using networks

Chapter 15 Taking short cuts - sampling methods

Chapter 16 Test driving - sampling theory, estimation and hypothsis testing

Chapter 17 High performance - statistical inference for comparing population means and bivariate data

Chapter 18 Going off-road - managing quantitative research for projects and dissertations#

Appendix 1 Statistical and Accounting tables

Appendix 2  Answers to review questions




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