Macroeconomics, 5th edition

Published by Pearson (May 13, 2016) © 2016

  • Manfred Gartner University of St Gallen, Switzerland



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Using real-world case studies and examples, this comprehensive text offers intermediate and applied macroeconomics students a truly European and global perspective. Continuing to successfully combine theory with application, Macroeconomics has been fully updated in this fifth edition to keep students up-to-date with the ever changing macroeconomic environment we are experiencing today.

This book presents macroeconomics as an applied science designed to improve our understanding of current and past policy issues.

  • The unique mix of theory, analysis and policy issues takes students from macroeconomic basics to cutting-edge research topics

  • Includes case studies addressing major policy issues in detail, supported by a wealth of economic data 

  • Moves beyond standard intermediate macroeconomics content by discussing liquidity traps, quantitative easing, price bubbles, multiple equilibria, self-fulfilling prophecy, ratings agencies, debt brakes and austerity

  • Self quizzes, road map, glossary and other content also available for mobile devices

  • 1 Macroeconomic essentials
  • 2 Booms and recessions (I): the Keynesian cross
  • 3 Money, interest rates and the global economy
  • 4 Exchange rates and the balance of payments
  • 5 Booms and recessions (II): the national economy
  • 6 Enter aggregate supply
  • 7 Booms and recessions (III): aggregate supply and demand
  • 8 Booms and recessions (IV): dynamic aggregate supply and demand 
  • 9 Economic growth (I): basics
  • 10 Economic growth (II): advanced issues
  • 11 Endogenous economic policy
  • 12 The European Monetary System and the Eurozone at work
  • 13 Inflation and central bank independence
  • 14 Budget deficits and public debt
  • 15 A closer look at economic crises
  • 16 Sticky prices and sticky information:
  • 17 Real business cycles: new perspectives on booms and recessions (II)
  • Appendix A: A primer in econometrics
  • Appendix B: Glossary
  • Appendix C: Economics Nobel Prize winners and earlier giants
  • Index

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