A Pearson eTextbook is an easy-to-use digital version of your book for class that includes upgraded study tools to help you learn how you learn best. Use enhanced search to find what you need within your eTextbook, highlight and make notes to mark important info, generate flashcards to test your knowledge, and use audio to listen to the text. Every feature is designed to help you learn more efficiently and get results. Plus, you can learn on the go with the Pearson+ app. Find this and more in your eTextbook, available in Pearson+.
When you purchase an eTextbook, you’ll access it in your library from the app or on the web. You can also find the eTextbook from a link in My learning on pearson.com.
When you buy an eTextbook subscription, you’ll have access to each eTextbook for as long as you subscribe.
Some eTextbooks are not available on Pearson+. You can go to pearson.com to buy other eTextbooks separately.
You can exchange your eTextbook for another title in the first 14 days of your subscription term. Sign in to Pearson+, go to My account and then select Exchange eTextbook. Your subscription term will not change.
Need to exchange your eTextbook but are near the end of your 4-month subscription term? If you purchased your eTextbook from Pearson directly, you can exchange it and continue for another 4 months with the new eTextbook. If you purchased your eTextbook from a bookstore, you’ll need to buy a new access code from the bookstore.
You can use eTextbooks with our free app on your smartphone or tablet. Or, you can use the browser on your computer.
You can swap 1 of your 2 authorized devices for a new device each month. Once you’ve made a swap, you won’t be able to do so again until the next calendar month.
If you reach your device limit and have used your monthly device swap, you’ll need to chat with us through Pearson Virtual Assistant to re-access the app. Have your email address handy.
The Pearson+ mobile app runs on a wide variety of Apple and Android devices, including:
iPhone®, iPad®, or iPod touch®
iOS 13.0 or later
Download from the Apple App Store
Android smartphones or tablets
Android 7.0 or later
Download from Google Play
You’ll use the same credentials to access:
- Pearson+
- eTextbooks
- Pearson+ app
- Pearson.com
- MyLab
- Mastering
- Revel
- Channels
If you already have a Pearson username and password, you’re all set.
We’ll let you know when we’ve updated something. To see our new features, go to Help & support and then Quick walkthrough.
If you have an eTextbook subscription but the title you selected is not in your library, here are a few things to check.
Did you receive a confirmation email from us when you subscribed? If not, your subscription may not have been successfully processed.
Did you sign in with the same username you used when you subscribed? (You can find this in your Pearson+ welcome email.)
If your initial 4-month subscription term has ended and you didn't extend your subscription, you’ll no longer have access to the eTextbook and it will not appear in your library.
Need more help? Chat with us through the Virtual Assistant from anywhere in Pearson+.
Copy and paste functions are disabled in eTextbooks to protect the authors’ intellectual property. We’re investigating a solution that will allow students to copy small amounts of text, possibly along with citation information.
Not all eTextbooks have the audiobook feature yet. To see if yours does, go to an open page in your eTextbook and look for Audio (headphone icon) in the navigation menu. If the icon shows, audio is available. If you see the icon and still don’t have audio, ask our virtual assistant for help. We’re working to make audio available in all eTextbook titles.
Check your internet connection. The eTextbook app needs an internet connection to open links to media and websites.