Each chapter ends with “Conclusion.”
Preface. Dedication. Acknowledgements. 1. Magic Scores.
What exam formats are covered?
How are the essays scored?
How are the multiple choice items scored?
What’s a magic score?
What’s my magic score?
The Overview of the Core Reading-Instruction Model.
2. Magic Content.
A Note About Tests with Written Portions.
A Note About Tests with Multiple Choice Sections.
How was the content developed?
The Core Model of Reading Instruction Explained.
Level One: Assessment Tools.
Level Two: Decoding (Kindergarten through Third Grade)
Level Three: Fluency.
Level Four: Comprehension.
Level Five: Oral and Written Language Development.
Level Six: Classroom and Unit Planning.
3. Magic Essays.
How was the content of chapter three developed?
Effective Written-Response Outlines.
Writing the Case Study.
Writing Lesson Plans for Decoding.
Writing Lesson Plans for Comprehension.
A Procedural Essay for a Cloze Activity.
A Justification for a Running Record.
4. Magic Bubbles.
Diagnostic Test.
Multiple Choice Strategies.
Using Tables to Answer Multiple Choice Questions.
Study Guides.
5. Magic Moments—Time-Management Strategies.
Methods for Written Exams with Multiple Choice Items.
The “One Pass” Method.
What are the benefits of “One Pass?”
The “Two Step” Method.
What are the benefits of the “Two Step” Approach?
Should I “One Pass” or “Two Step?”
The Multiple Choice Strategies.
The “Divide and Conquer” Method.
Benefits and Cautions of “Divide and Conquer.”
The “Seek and Destroy” Method.
Benefits and Cautions of “Seek and Destroy.”
The Time-Management Methods Illustrated.
6. The Magic Plan.
A Four Week Plan.
Test Day.
Appendix A: Content Tables. Appendix B: Standards Tables. Appendix C: Data Sets. Bibliography. Official Site: www.themagicscore.com