Online language teaching tools: A comprehensive guide for educators

Pearson Languages
A teacher stood by a student in a classroom smiling

Online language teaching has become a prominent facet of modern education, especially in light of recent global changes. The ability to instruct and learn languages online has opened up new possibilities for educators and students alike.

The importance of using tools in online language teaching cannot be overstated. In this digital era, these tools serve as the linchpin for effective and engaging instruction. They enhance the learning experience, promote interaction and provide valuable resources that traditional teaching methods often lack.

The digital language teaching landscape

The shift to online education

As a result of the digital revolution, which has completely changed how information is accessible and disseminated, education is moving toward being done online.

Online education has several benefits, such as:

  • Accessibility: Online language courses break down geographical barriers, allowing students worldwide to access quality instruction and teaching.
  • Flexibility: Students can tailor their learning schedules to their needs, making education more accommodating for a diverse range of learners.
  • Interactivity: Online platforms offer numerous interactive features, such as virtual classrooms, video conferences and chat tools, enhancing student-teacher and peer-to-peer interactions.
  • Rich resources: Online language teaching can harness a vast array of multimedia resources, making learning more engaging and effective.

Challenges for language educators

While the shift to online education presents opportunities, it also brings challenges that language educators must navigate, including:

  • Adaptation: Educators must adapt to new teaching methods, technologies and platforms, which can be a steep learning curve for some.
  • Engagement: Maintaining student engagement in an online environment requires creative approaches and the integration of various teaching tools.
  • Assessment: Assessing student progress can be more complex online, but it also offers the opportunity for innovative assessment methods.
  • Technical issues: Connectivity problems and technical glitches can disrupt online classes, requiring educators to be tech-savvy troubleshooters.
  • Isolation: Online learning can sometimes lead to feelings of isolation among students, so educators need to foster a sense of community and support.

Essential online language teaching tools

The right tools are essential to create engaging and compelling learning experiences. This section explores the key categories of tools that educators can utilize to enhance their online language teaching.

Tools for interactive lessons and activities

  • Video conferencing platforms: These platforms enable real-time interaction with students, allowing educators to conduct live lessons, engage in discussions and facilitate group activities. Video conferencing helps replicate the classroom experience online. Platforms such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams and Google Meet provide a virtual classroom environment with features for video, audio and chat communication.
  • Interactive whiteboards: Tools like Jamboard and Microsoft Whiteboard allow educators to write, draw and share resources in real time. This feature enhances engagement and enables educators to illustrate concepts effectively.
  • Screen recorder: Screen recording software allows educators to capture their lessons, which can be invaluable for students who miss a live session. Recorded lessons can also serve as a reference for students during their self-paced learning.
  • Teleprompter: A teleprompter tool helps educators maintain a smooth and organized delivery during recorded lessons. It ensures that lessons stay on track and within a predefined timeframe, improving the clarity and effectiveness of instruction.

Tools for assessment and feedback

  • Quizzes and surveys: Platforms like Google Forms and Quizlet allow educators to create online quizzes and surveys for assessing students' knowledge.
  • Assignment submission tools: Learning management systems (LMSs) such as Pearson English Connect (PEC) enable students to submit assignments electronically, making it easier for educators to grade and provide feedback.
  • Feedback forms: Google Forms and Microsoft Forms can collect student feedback, helping educators improve their teaching methods.

Tools for content and resource creation

  • Video creation tools: Video editing software empowers educators to create engaging educational videos, lectures and tutorials. This multimedia approach can make complex concepts more accessible to students.
  • Video compressor: Video compressor tools reduce the file size of videos without compromising quality. This is especially useful for ensuring students can easily access and stream video content, even with limited bandwidth.

How to implement online language tools

Implementing online language tools effectively is crucial for creating a dynamic and successful learning environment. Here are some best practices for integrating these tools into language teaching.

  • Alignment with learning objectives: Ensure your tools align with your course objectives. They should enhance the learning experience and help achieve specific educational goals.
  • Teacher training: Invest time in training educators to use these tools effectively. Familiarity with the tools' features and functionalities is essential.
  • Clear instructions: Provide clear and concise instructions on how to use the tools. Create tutorials or guides to help students navigate them effectively.
  • Accessibility and inclusivity: Ensure that the tools and content you use are accessible to all students, including those with disabilities. This means considering factors like screen reader compatibility and providing transcripts for multimedia content.
  • Regular feedback: Encourage students to provide feedback on their experience with the tools. Use this feedback to make improvements and adjustments.

Explore the tools discussed in this guide, experiment with them and adapt your teaching methods to the digital age. By staying curious, adaptable and open to innovation, you'll be better equipped to provide your students with the best possible language learning experience in the online realm. Happy teaching! 

If you're a teacher looking for more hints and advice to level up your language teaching, check out our language teaching blog posts. We also have opportunities for professional development. 

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    The new skilling agenda: communication and collaboration

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    The rise of skilling and certification needs echoes a business concern common to companies with global workforces: to accelerate growth and leverage post-pandemic consumer behavior shifts to build more profitable business processes. Focusing on building communication and collaboration is central to this.

    Previous studies noted that communication and collaboration remained vital soft skills for companies across APAC to develop. And with good reason. With its impact felt across different aspects of an employee's journey, the focus on building communication and collaboration is imperative.

    Around 60% of companies reported that communication and collaboration helped them:

    • Improve employee performance
    • Increase engagement levels
    • Increase cross-functional work
    • Improve retention

    Building the right skilling pedagogies

    When it comes to top talent challenges among global workforces, the lack of communication and collaboration as an essential part of teams remains an important challenge. Over 45% of companies today state this as a pivotal barrier. Another 47% of companies stated the difficulty in reskilling remains concerning.

    The solution: new, more relevant learning pedagogies that address the skilling needs.

    The right pedagogies also help raise performance and drive workforce productivity.

    Besides focusing on developing managers to lead global teams, for over 58% of companies, providing bespoke learning opportunities is key to their ability to solve future uncertainty and raise employee productivity.

    This need to adopt bett­er skilling methods is driven by many who find themselves in uncertain waters. The study found that over 77% of companies identified skill gaps bett­er and provided more relevant learning opportunities as a top learning priority.

    Having the right learning pedagogies that enable tracking and impactful, new-age interventions targeted to improve communication skills is the need of the hour. The study found that the ability to work cohesively in a global work sett­ing depended crucially on how easily different teams can communicate with each other.

    Assessments and hiring for success

    To ensure the success of learning tools and goals related to communication and collaboration, companies also need to consider another key component of their talent management process: whom they hire.

    As recruitment becomes a key HR function, companies with globally distributed and diverse workforces today need to hire individuals who fit their culture and can upskill quickly. Therefore, it's no surprise that the top hiring priorities for companies in the coming year are:

    1. Assessing candidates’ ability to learn new skills
    2. Assessments to gauge job and culture fit
    3. Better engagement and experience

    While building the right communication skills focuses on enabling learners to gauge the nuances of a global work sett­ing and enhance their proficiency in the language, how companies hire proves to be equally important.

    Platforms such as Versant by Pearson prove vital tools for assessing job fit and communication skills, enabling companies with global workforces to hire those who meet their requirements. While new-age learning techniques help address gaps and spur productivity by enhancing communication and collaboration skills, ensuring the right candidates are hired greatly improves the ROI and impact of such skilling programs.

    Driving skills forward to help recruit, develop and retain talent

    The future of global workforces is increasingly dependent on how successfully they can communicate and collaborate with each other. While once considered skills that were good to have, they have risen to the forefront of business demand.

    There is a clear demand for bett­er assessment and learning tools that enable companies to hire and train bett­er. Companies with a global workforce today require personalized learning programs that leverage the latest tech solutions like generative AI, immersive learning, and greater ROI and impact tracking. The diversity of a global workforce throws up newer challenges, and as companies expand, having the right tools – that address both hiring and learning needs – can greatly improve how HR leaders create impact.

    With varying expectations and aspirations, aligning company needs with those of the employee is critical for success.

    Those who focus on building the right communication and collaboration capabilities within their global workforces today stand bett­er prepared to tackle business challenges and drive productivity.

    Investing in the right learning pedagogies and addressing communication concerns thus have a direct impact on how productive global workforces are. The new skilling agenda of focusing on communication and collaboration is today driven by a need to channel diverse workforces to tackle business uncertainty.

    A defining factor of how companies ensure a productive future is by building the right hiring and learning capabilities that address the new skilling agenda.

    To find out more about this study, download the full report here.

    Pearson works with over 2,000 leading enterprises around the world, helping them to diagnose skills gaps, identify learning pathways and interventions, and mobilize their workforces through verifiable skill credentials.