Goal setting: A path to achieving team fluency

Pearson Languages
Office works stood in a cubicle and in a hallway talking

Reading time: 5 minutes

We know businesses that invest in skills development are more likely to retain top talent, and see many other benefits as well. Upskilling your team's English proficiency can have a transformative effect on the business, leading to new opportunities, growth, and a more engaged workforce. However, implementing a corporate language learning program can be challenging. Using traditional goal-setting frameworks can support you and your team on this journey. Here's how:

Goal setting: A path to achieving team fluency
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Popular goal setting frameworks for businesses

There are several approaches one can take to help with this:

3X3X3 model

The 3X3X3 model advocated by McKinsey ensures that goals are set over manageable three-month periods, fostering a steady progression.

SMART goals

With their specificity, measurability, achievability, relevance, and time-bound nature, SMART goals provide a framework that aligns individual efforts with broader organizational objectives.

PACT goal framework

Emphasizing purposefulness, actionability, continuity, and trackability, the PACT goal framework, championed by the National Society of Leadership and Success, offers an alternative perspective.

Regardless of the chosen model, it is imperative to communicate it effectively across the team. Consistency in the implementation of goal-setting practices ensures that everyone is on the same page, reducing ambiguity and enhancing the overall effectiveness of the language learning process.

Utilize digital tools and technology

Your employees have a lot on their plate, which means that any language training program should be designed to be easily accessible and engaging. Technology has significantly improved skill development in modern times (not just language learning), allowing organizations to really nurture their employee’s development.

There are numerous online language training apps and software available that provide dynamic and interactive approaches to help employees achieve their language goals. Choosing user-friendly platforms that cater to different learning styles can ensure broader adoption and engagement.

Mondly by Pearson, for example, is a flexible language-learning solution designed to facilitate self-led learning within easily digestible modules. It can be a cornerstone for organizations looking to set and achieve learning goals. The adaptability of Mondly by Pearson enables employees to progress at their own pace, providing a personalized learning experience that aligns with their individual language proficiency goals.

Monitor and evaluate your teams’ language skills often

When learning any language, the journey is just as important as the destination. Continuous monitoring and evaluation ensure that learning objectives are not static but adapt to the evolving needs of the individual and the organization. To fast-track your employees' English progress, use the Global Scale of English (GSE). The GSE allows you to monitor your team's developing English language skills on one simple, numerical scale, from entry-level to expert.

This multifaceted approach to measurement allows managers and employees alike to gain a comprehensive understanding of their English language proficiency, fostering a culture of improvement and development.

Another tool to add to your repertoire is Versant by Pearson, a robust English assessment tool that is instrumental in understanding the current language skill levels of your employees. This information serves as a baseline for setting realistic yet challenging goals.

Celebrate your team’s achievements

Recognition and celebration of achievements act as powerful motivators. If a goal is achieved but not acknowledged, the impact may diminish, and motivation can wane. Therefore, incorporating a culture of celebration within the organization is essential. This can take various forms, from verbal recognition in team meetings to tangible rewards such as certificates, performance-based bonuses, or even more competitive features like leaderboards (which Mondly by Pearson uses).

It is important for organizations to record the achievements of their employees in language learning as it not only boosts morale but also provides a valuable source of feedback. By acknowledging and celebrating the successes of their employees, organizations reinforce the significance of learning a language and create a positive feedback loop that encourages employees to set new goals and continue progressing their language proficiency.

Growth and success in the workplace

As organizations become empowered by the integration of goal-setting into their language-learning initiatives, they are embarking on and expediting their journey of continuous growth and success. By integrating technology, continuous monitoring, and praise in your organization's goal setting, you can create a comprehensive approach to language learning. This approach enhances language skills and has a positive impact on the business as a whole.

The result is a workforce that is not only proficient in English but is also confident, collaborative, and highly productive. As we move through 2024, organizations that prioritize progress-based learning are poised to thrive in an environment where effective communication is the key to unlocking unparalleled success.

Find out more about creating a culture of learning English in the workplace and the transformative power of language learning for businesses in this article – Creating a culture of success.

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