Revel Communication positively impacts student performance
Pearson | November 24, 2021 in Meaningful Outcomes
by Pearson
Revel Communication positively impacts student success
In Fall 2018, Professor Aileen Ochoa from Miami Dad College Kendall Campus in Miami, FL, partnered with Pearson to investigate the impact of Revel™ for Essentials of Human Communication by DeVito on student performance in her Fundamentals of Speech Communication course.
Researchers found that:
- Students scoring at or above the median Revel score earned significantly higher final course scores than students who scored below the median Revel score.
- Students who passed the course (earning a C or above) skipped an average of 5.2 fewer Revel assignments than students who failed the course.
- Ochoa reports that requiring Revel in the course has led to increased student preparedness and engagement, along with improved overall performance.
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Why did Professor Aileen Ochoa adopt Revel Communication?
As students weren’t doing their reading and therefore unprepared for discussions, Ochoa elected to assign Revel readings and quizzes in hopes of increasing student reading and preparedness, ultimately leading to higher overall scores in the course.
How was Revel Communication implemented?
In Fall 2017, Ochoa implemented Revel with Blackboard LMS integration across six course sections of SPC 1017. Ochoa required weekly chapter readings, along with module and chapter quizzes within Revel. A total of 14 chapters were covered in the course with the chapter quiz assigned for each chapter of required reading. Revel accounted for 16% of the total course grade.
Were students successful in the course?
Data was used to compare the final course score earned between students who scored above and below the median Revel quiz score.
- Students who scored above the median Revel quiz score earned a significantly higher final course score than students who scored below the median.
In addition, students who passed the course skipped an average of 5.2 fewer Revel assignments than students who failed the course with a final course grade of D or F.
Did students like using Revel?
In Fall 2017, students using Revel in a variety of courses at several U.S. colleges completed a voluntary, end-of-semester survey, providing valuable insight on their experience.
- 88% of respondents agreed completing Revel readings and quizzes better prepared them for class.
- 79% of respondents agreed that experiencing the text through Revel helped them feel more engaged with the course content than a traditional textbook.
Learn more about how Revel Communication could benefit your course