Boosting active and constructive engagement

Research indicates that active and constructive engagement with concepts yields a higher impact on learning than mere passive engagement alone. When students can read a little, then do a little, they are better equipped to both understand, and remember what they're learning.

Media interactives integrated throughout Revel provide students opportunities to engage actively with the key concepts they're reading about. Features such as drag-and-drop matching activities and interactive maps help learners to grasp information more deeply than they would through reading static text alone. These active-learning tools are integrated throughout each Revel module, enabling students to engage with concepts without interrupting their reading.

Available in select products, several types of writing activities encourage students to think constructively about important concepts, boosting engagement and their understanding. Self-paced journaling prompts, assignable shared writing activities, and essays foster the development of concept mastery and critical thinking skills.

Find out how Revel's immediate feedback benefits learners