Early Childhood Education​

Explore Pearson’s wide array of trusted resources that you may use to improve student engagement, understanding, and outcomes in your Early Childhood Education course.

Pearson’s Early Childhood Education resources are available in the Pearson+ eTextbook platform that seamlessly integrates text, videos, and study tools in one intuitive surface. Students choose how they learn best with enhanced search, audio and flashcards. The Pearson+ app lets them read where life takes them, no wi-fi needed.

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Canadian Early Childhood Education Collection​

All titles in the Canadian Early Education Collection are:​

  • Canadian -  written by Canadians for Canadian programs and developed in Canada​
  • Peer-reviewed – have passed through Pearson’s rigorous peer review process
  • Authoritative – written by experienced leaders in Canadian Early Childhood Education
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Leading for Change: Leadership and Administration of Early Childhood Programs in Canada, 7th edition (Available in February 2023)​

Chandler, Trew

Leading for Change: Leadership and Administration of Early Childhood Programs in Canada is intended to broaden early learning professionals’ understanding of leadership, professional, and advocacy responsibilities - to reimagine what it is to care for children within the context of current social, political, and environmental challenges. Recognizing the deep and lasting impact of early learning professionals and programs on young children, families, and society emphasizes the imperative to understand this profession as a political, even revolutionary, calling. ​

Download the preface​ Visit the product page​

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Creative Arts and Expression​

Playing and Learning in Early Childhood Education, 3rd edition (Available in February 2023)​

Dietze, Kashin​

Playing and Learning in Early Childhood Education is grounded in sharing new research, practices, and ways of knowing about play and its contributions it makes to the lives of children and how play sets the foundation for later academic and life dispositions. This text reinforces how play prepares children to develop the critical thinking, problem solving, their desire to be curious, and creative expression that facilitates their communication skills, ability to embrace place, community, their culture, and diversity amongst peers. These skills form the foundation for the 21st century skills needed that focus on STEAM - Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math.​

Download the preface​ Visit the product page​

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Social Work​

You and Others: Reflective Practice for Group Effectiveness in Human Services, 3rd edition (Available in February 2023)​

McKinlay, Ross​

Self-reflection is currently considered one of the most important tools in the human service professions, as well as one of the most difficult skills to learn. You and Others: Reflective Practice for Group Effectiveness in Human Services, is a unique Canadian text that applies a self-reflection approach to the study and practice of group work, providing practical ways for students to engage in self-reflection and self-assessment. The text includes case studies specific to the social services sector in Canada and interactive classroom exercises. It covers the important theories in human services studies and links them to practice in an applied and interactive format.​

Download the preface​ Visit the product page​

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Special Education​

Inclusion of Learners with Exceptionalities in Canadian Schools: A Practical Handbook for Teachers, 7th edition (Available in March 2023)​

Specht, Hutchinson​

Inclusion of Exceptional Learners in Canadian Schools is an outstanding introduction to inclusive education in Canada. In keeping with Canada’s commitment to inclusive education, this text examines positive ways of including children of all needs and abilities in the regular classroom. Author and educator, Jacqueline Specht draws on her extensive experience educating students to help shape the skills and strategies future teachers need to create an inclusive classroom by individualizing learning for each student regardless of their exceptionality.​

Download the preface​ Visit the product page​

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Guidance/ Management of Young Children​

Working with Families, 8th edition (Available in February 2023)​

Shimoni, Baxter​

More often than not, people entering the early childhood field see children as the prime focus of their work. As they learn about their profession and begin to practice, they realize that to understand children, they need to understand the families of the children they work with. Moreover, they learn that the well-being of children and the well-being of families are inextricably connected and that early childhood professionals have an ethical responsibility to support families and promote their involvement in the care and education of their children. Working with Families synthesizes the relevant knowledge from the broad range of disciplines into a practical resource for early childhood professionals.​

Download the preface​ Visit the product page​

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Assessment in Early Childhood​

Take a Look: Observation and Portfolio Assessment in Early Childhood, 7th edition​


Take a Look: Observation and Portfolio Assessment in Early Childhood is intended for people who seek a deep and reflective approach to working and being with young children. The philosophy of the book is situated within current early childhood education practice, but it is forward looking and responsive to individuals. The approach honours the historic “giants in the nursery”, while also providing deep research that is international and reflective of other “ways of knowing.” Take a Look may fit one specific course on observation and assessment or on documentation, or it might supplement one or more child development, curriculum, or guidance course that has a strong observational component.

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Creative Arts and Expression​

Outdoor and Nature Play in Early Childhood Education, 1st edition​

Dietze, Kashin

Outdoor and Nature Play in Early Childhood Education is timely because of the new national and international research that reinforces the importance of outdoor play in the lives of children–for their health, wellness, dispositions, and connectedness to their childhood space and place. Outdoor play is so important to children’s daily living that we have written this book to present the core concepts about outdoor play that will support teachers in collectively examining outdoor play within their environments and beyond.​

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Development in Early Childhood​

Safe and Healthy Children's Environments, 2nd edition​


Safe and Healthy Children's Environments, Second Edition, aims to provide a valuable resource to caregivers of children to easily understand, access, and use information in meaningful ways to support the healthy development of all children. This text presents issues in health, safety, and nutrition in a way that keeps the child at the heart of each chapter. Working as both a learning and reference tool, this text is written to facilitate research while using clear and concise language.​

Visit the product page​