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Mark Sheffield from University of Pittsburgh - Main Campus says: It has helped me to significantly improve my grades and teaches the content in an easy to understand way. The videos have significantly improved how I study for classes like Biology, Chemistry, Physics and so many more.
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General Chemistry by Jules. 1500+ Videos,550+ Questions. ,Physics by Patrick. 1000+ Videos,300+ Questions. ,General Biology by Jason. 1200+ Videos,450+ Questions. ,Financial Accounting by Brian. 450+ Videos,100+ Questions.
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- Each Channel is a specialized platform full of explanations and practice problems created to help you prep for exams. Channels are built with your course in mind, so you can learn what's being covered in your class.
- Guided Channels are personalized to follow your specific class. Our tutors review hundred of textbooks and match their content to follow your specific textbook. This means you can save time studying and only learn the content that's most relevant to your class.
- Channels is an additional tool to help you with your studies. This means you can use Channels even if your course uses a non-Pearson textbook. If your course does use a Pearson textbook you can subscribe to Pearson+ to access over 1500 Textbooks.
- Whilst Channels is personalized to your specific course; it is neither sponsored nor assigned by a specific instructor or school. This means it's completely up to you whether you want to use Channels.