Harmonic Materials in Tonal Music: A Programmed Course, Part 1, 10th edition

Published by Pearson (January 29, 2009) © 2010

  • Greg A. Steinke Independent Composer/Musician
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For courses in Music Theory, Harmony, Comprehensive Musicianship, and Materials of Music.

Created for introductory courses in basic music theory and harmonic practice, this self-paced, auto-instructional text in two volumes has become a “classic” in the field. Since the students work independently through the programmed format of the text, instructors can concentrate on the more creative aspects of their course. From the wealth of clearly laid-out lessons and exercises, students receive continual feedback and reinforcement as they work through the sequence at their own pace. Also, a set of musical examples on compact discs accompanies the volumes, providing students with aural experience of tonal and harmonic material used in the text.

Table of Contents:

Part I:

About the Authors

Preface to the Tenth Edition

Preface to the Fifth Edition

How to use this Text

An Important Perspective for the study of Harmony
1. Some Definitions.
2. The Structure of Tonality.
3. Triads in Root Position: Doubling and Spacing.
4. Triads in Root Position: Voice Leading.
5. Triads in First and Second Inversion.
6. Introduction to Seventh Chords and the Dominant Seventh.
7. Phrase Structure and Cadences.
8. Nonharmonic Tones.
9. Harmonic Progression.
10. The Technique of Harmonization.
Appendix A: Chord Symbols.
Appendix B: Piano Styles.
Appendix C: Glossary of Terms.
Appendix D: Orchestration Chart; Note/Octave, MIDI Charts
Bibliography for Further Study.
Index of Musical Examples.
Subject Index.

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