Positive Psychology, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (September 24, 2008) © 2009

  • Steve Baumgardner University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire
  • Marie Crothers University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire
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    This book is designed to serve as a primary text for an undergraduate college course in positive psychology.  Consistent with the “nuts and bolts” presentation of positive psychology, in many places throughout the book the authors provide detailed coverage of  individual research studies, methodological issues and theoretical controversies. 

     The first goal in writing this book was to make positive psychology accessible to undergraduate students by reviewing and summarizing the major empirical findings and theories within the major areas of positive psychology. Specifically, the authors hope to bridge the gap between an undergraduate audience and the professional level of source material. A second goal was to present the core topics of positive psychology in a way that preserves the richness and excitement of findings in this new area of psychology. Positive psychology addresses important questions about how we lead our lives, find happiness and satisfaction in life, and deal with life’s challenges. As a result, the subject matter of positive psychology has high intrinsic interest. The authors hope to engage and maintain this interest by making frequent connections and applications to the everyday lives of readers.

            A third goal was to present positive psychology without compromising the complexities of research and theory   That is, the goal was to present positive psychology as it is -- a work in progress.  Put another way, this book is a “nuts and bolts” view of positive psychology with a primary emphasis on the results of empirical studies and the theories that help explain them.

Table of Contents




Chapter 1 -What is Positive Psychology?

- Traditional Psychology

- Why the Negative Focus?

Negatives Aspects Perceived as More Authentic & ‘Real”

Negatives as More Important

The Disease Model

-Positive Psychology

Health Psychology

Focus on Research: The Nun Study: Living Longer Through

Positive Emotions

Clinical Psychology

Developmental Psychology

Survey Research and Subjective Well-Being

Social/Personality Psychology and the Psychology of Religion

- Positive Psychology: Assumptions, Goals and Definitions

Life Above Zero

Culture and the Meaning of a Good Life

Why Now?

-Two Final Notes

Positive Psychology is Not Opposed to Psychology

Positive Psychology and the Status Quo

Chapter 2 — The Meaning and Measure of Happiness

- Why a Psychology of Well-Being?

Objective versus Subjective Measures

Negative versus Positive Functioning

- What is Happiness? Two Traditions

Hedonic Happiness

Eudaimonic Happiness

Focus on Research: Positive Affect and a Meaningful Life

- Subjective Well-Being: The Hedonic Basis of Happiness

Measuring Subjective Well-Being

Life Satisfaction

Positive Affect and Negative Affect

Focus on Research: Is Your Future Revealed in Your Smile?

Issues in the Study of Affect

Global Measures of Happiness

Reliability and Validity of SWB Measures

Experience Sampling Method

Focus on Method: How Do We Spend Our Time? The Day

Reconstruction Method

On-Line versus Global Measures of SWB

- Self-Realization: The Eudaimonic Basis of Happiness

-Psychological Well-Being and Positive Functioning

Emotional Well-Being

Psychological Well-Being

Social Well-Being

Need Fulfillment and Self-Determination Theory

Focus on Research: What Makes a “Good” Day?

- Comparing Hedonic and Eudaimonic Views of Happiness

Chapter 3 - Positive Emotions and Well-Being

- What are Positive Emotions?

Focus on Theory: The Broaden-and-Build Theory of Positive


- Positive Emotions and Health Resources

Physical Resources

Psychological Resources

Positive Emotions and Coping with Stress

-Focus on application: Finding the Positive in the Negative

Positive Traits and Health

Social Resources

The Limits of Positive Emotions

Positive Emotions and Well-Being

Happiness and Positive Behaviors

Positive Emotions and Success

Positive Emotions and Flourishing

A General Theory of Positivity?

- Cultivating Positive Emotions

Flow Experiences


Chapter 4 - Resilience

-What is Resilience?

Developmental Perspectives

Clinical Perspectives

- Resilience Research

Sources of Resilience

The Dangers of Blaming the Victim

Sources of Resilience in Childhood

- Focus on Research: Resilience among Disadvantaged Youth

Sources of Resilience in Adulthood and Later Life

Successful Aging

- Growth Through Trauma

Negative Effects of Trauma

Positive Effects of Trauma

Changes in Perception

Changes in Relationships

Changes in Life Priorities

Explanations for Growth through Trauma

Focus on Research: In their Own Words — Coping With Loss

Chapter 5 - Happiness and the Facts of Life

- Happiness Across the Life-Span

Focus on Research: Happiness and Where we Live

Stability in Well-Being Despite Life Changes

Temperament and Subjective Well-Being

Frequency, Intensity and Balance of Positive and

Negative Emotions

Measurement and Definitional Issues

-The Shifting Basis of Life Satisfaction

Gender and Happiness

- Gender differences in Emotional Experience

- Negative Emotions

Positive Moods and Behaviors

Explaining the Paradox of Gender

- Marriage and Happiness

Benefits of Marriage

Selection Effects

Focus on Research: Are We Still Happy After the


Gender Differences in the Benefits of Marraige

- Other Facts of Life

Physical and Mental Health

Work and Unemployment

Intelligence and Education


Race, Ethnicity and Stigma

Chapter 6 — Money, Happiness and Culture

- The Paradox of Affluence

- Well-Being Across Nations

Between-Nations Comparisons

Within-Nation Comparisons

Interpreting National Differences

- Understanding Money and Happiness

Focus on Research: Do Happy People Make More Money?

Why Doesn't Money Matter More?

Genetics and Personality

Adaptation and the Hedonic Treadmill

Focus on Research: Lottery Winners and Accident Victims

Rising Expectations and The “Tyranny of the Unnecessary”

Social Comparisons

Excessive Materialism

- The Meaning of Happiness: Universal or Relative?

- The Culture and Well-being

The Self in Individualistic and Collectivist Cultures

Culture and the Meaning of Happiness

The American-Individualistic Style of Happiness

The Asian-Collectivist Style of Happiness

Cultural Ideals

Moderation in Emotional Expression

Group Pride and Sensitivity

Self-Critical Attitudes

False Humility or Social Sensitivity?

Chapter 7 - Personal Goals as Windows to Well


- Goals Connect “Having” and “Doing”

- What are Personal Goals?

Defining Personal Goals

Goals and Related Motivational Concepts

Measuring Personal Goals

Goal Organization

- The Search for Universal Human Motives

Goals and the Fulfillment of Basic Human Needs

Focus on Research: An Empirical Method for Assessing Universal Needs

Goals Expressing Fundamental Values

Personal Goals Across Cultures

Intrinsic versus Extrinsic Goals

Physical versus Self-Transcendent Goals

- The Personalization of Goals in Self-Concept

- What Goals Contribute Most to Well-Being?

Goal Progress, Achievement and Importance

-The Matching Hypothesis

What Explains the Matching Hypothesis?

-Personal Goals and Self-Realization

Intrinsic versus Extrinsic Goals

Autonomous versus Controlled Motivation

Focus on Research: Happiness and Success in College

- Materialism and Its Discontents

Why are Materialists Unhappy?

The Content of Materialistic Goals

-The What and Why of Materialistic Goals

Compensation for Insecurity

Why Do People Adopt Materialistic Values?

Consumer Culture

Psychological Insecurity

Materialism and Death

Affluence and Materialism

Are We All Materialists?

Chapter 8 - Self-Regulation and Control

-The Value of Self-Control

- Personal Goals and Self-Regulation

Self-Discrepancy Theory

Control Theory

- Planning for Self-Regulation Success

Focus on Research: Planning Makes a Difference

Why Planning Helps

Automatic Activation of Goal Behaviors

Conserving Self-Control Resources

Commitment and Confidence

- Goals That Create Self-Regulation Problems

Approach versus Avoidance Goals

Why Avoidance Goals are Difficult to Regulate

Goal Conflict

-Trivial Pursuits and Magnificent Obsessions

-Focus on theory: Thinking About the Meaning of Our Actions

Individual differences in Goal Level Identification

Goal Difficulty

Ironic Effects of Mental Control

-Mental Load and the Paradoxes of Control

- Everyday Explanations for Self-Control Failure


What Makes a Good Excuse?

Advantages of Excuses

Disadvantages of Excuses

Irresistible Impulses

Beliefs About Control

Activation of Impulsive and Reflective Control Systems

Individual Differences in Self-Control

Resisting Temptations

Focus on Research: The Costs and Benefits of Procrastination

- Giving Up

Chapter 9 — Positive Traits

- What Makes a Trait Positive?

- Personality, Emotions and Biology

Positive and Negative Affectivity

Genetics and Temperament

Personality and Happiness: “The Big Five”

-Teasing Out Cause and Effect

Personality and Eudaimonic Well-Being

Neurobiology and Approach/Avoidance Motives

Genetics and Change

- Positive Beliefs

-The World Through Happy and Unhappy Eyes

- Self Esteem

Self-Esteem and Happiness

Is Self-Esteem All You Need?

Self-Esteem's Darker Side

Personal Control


Optimism as a Disposition

Optimism as Explanatory

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