All jobs in this sector involve helping people. Often this means working with people who are in difficulty or distress.

They may be ill or injured or they may have a long-term disability or mental health issue. People of all ages need care and medical services, including babies and pregnant women, young children, teenagers, adults and the elderly. You could choose a career providing care for people in their own homes or you could work in a hospital, health centre or clinic. You need training for any job in the caring and medical sector. Most jobs need a DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check.

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Skills and qualities needed

  • Absorb and summarise information
  • Empathy with people
  • Writing accurate reports
  • Advanced communication skills
  • Listening skills.


Career areas

Alternative and complementary therapies

Therapies used alongside or instead of standard healthcare treatments, for example, osteopathy, reiki or art therapy.

Find out more about working with alternative and complementary therapies

Counselling and advice

Helping people explore their emotions and situations, and giving advice about the options open to them.

Find out more about working in counselling and advice

Social care

Providing practical support and personal care to help children and adults live their lives.

Find out more about working in social care

Useful links

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Skills for Care

NHS Careers

Institute for Complementary and Natural Medicine